Babylon 5 - Epic storytelling by J. Michael Straczyaski The first I heard of this show was in 93/94 when a friend said had seen the pilot "The gathering" ) for Babylon 5 @ a star trek convention. The next time I heard of it was in prog 1031 of 2000ad which had an episode guide for the 3 seasons.
Babylon 5 Home Pages | Babylon 5 Hypertext Reference

Blade Runner
This '85 movie, directed by Ridley Scott, is based Philip K. Dick's short story 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. And the look of city owes alot to
2000AD's Judge Dredd. Dekkard. Also based on a Philip K. Dick short story is 'Total Recall'.

Dark Skies
X-files inspired paronina (1996)

The epic sci-fi books by Frank Hubert, that inspired a film and brilliant computer games.

Links,, , Classic Sci-Fi Reviews: Dune
Museum Arrakeen - Contains many documents, audio and graphic files, FAQs, games, and the most complete listing of Dune-related links.

Eon series by Greg Bear

Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury (filmed by Francois Truffant) Apparently the temperature that books burn.

Galactic Center Novels by Gregory Benford
Great Sky - Tides of Light - Furious Light - Sailing Bright Eternity

Mars Trilogy
Red Mars, Green Mars and Blue Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson, form the best out into Mars's future. All the issues and problems are encountered and dealt with by one of the differing approaches of the main characters. Characterisation in these books is class, they become real people.

The very cool 1999 movies that admitted its inspiration was 6 comics.
I think one of those comics must be
Shadows (published in 1989 by 2000AD) partly because it featured people born in machine nurseries, a vitural reality that is totally convincing, in which the hero stays when he discovers his reality was only simulation itself meant to keep super computers occupied. Plus the writer Pete Milligan has been writing film scripts since the early 1990s.
Other inspirations could be...
John Smith's Revere
the writings of Pat Mills.. the oracle and the architect in the Matrix Reloaded could be an analogy for Mills' Khaos and Order

Classic Sci-Fi: Metropolis

Red Dwarf - Sci-Fi Comedy by Rob Grant & Doug Naylor

Seaquest DSV - Roy Schiener stars in a submarine adventure show that got a bit crazy. Transported to an alien shapechanger's (Mark Hamill) homeworld to save the planet. I thought the best was when they travelled into the near future to planet where humans given power to a central computer, but then almost died out when a fatal disease came that they no longer had the skills to fight. The last two humans addicted to VR games that controlled massive robots.

Sleeper (Woody Allen)
Soylent Green
Soylent Green - Classic Sci-Fi Reviews: Soylent Green

Space Above and Beyond

Stargate series - The format of this show is basically an extension of the movie concept. every science fiction ideas ever seems to could appear on screen, despite not coming up the ideas, the presentation is class.
(1) Idea that there was an ancient civilisation on Antartictia, (2) Aliens races visiting earth in the distant past, (3) Worms holes, (4) Parallel dimensions, (4)Androids, memory transfer
The Movie BBS, Inc. Awesome Links - Sci-Fi (Stargate)

Star Trek - 1967-2003 Too much of a franchise
If fact here is an
anti-trek page
But in you REALLY want... Offical Star Trek or Star Trek Voyager - Starfleet Database

Terminator - 1984
When the military network computer, Skynet becomes intelligent and decides a kill the human vermin. John Connor becomes the saviour of the human people as he fights back. Interesting analogy John Connor is 'Jesus', who sends Reece back in travel to save the woman he worships, Sarah Connor who is the mother of John (in effect 'Mary'). But the twist is Reece becomes John's father. The father of his saviour. - The follow-up wreaked this scenario.

Westworld (Michael Crichton) X-files
Paranoia ruled the mid 90's. 'Tooms' was first I saw.


Reviews @ SCIFI.COM From the pages of Science Fiction Weekly


A brief History of the future by John Naughton
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