
Gaeilge amháin
English Version Only
Ag duine féin is fearr a fhios cá luíonn an bhróg air. A person best knows where the shoe troubles him

Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile.

It takes one to know one

Aithnítear cara i gcruatan.

It is in hardship that a friend is recognised

An gad is giorra don scornach is túisce is ceart a scaoileadh.

The knot nearest the throat is the the one to release first

An lao ite i mbolg na bó.

Don't count your chickens before they're hatched

An luibh ná faightear is í a fhóireann.

The herb that can't be found is the very one which works

An rud a chíonn an leanbh is é a níonn an leanbh.

What the child sees the child does

An rud a scríobhann an púca, léann sé féin é.

What the ghost writes, the ghost reads

An rud a théann i bhfad téann sé i bhfuaire.

What goes on for a long time loses its attractiveness

An rud is annamh is iontach.

What's seldom is wonderful

An rud is measa le duine ar domhan n’fheadair sé nach é lár a leasa é.

The very thing a person dreads most in the world could be the best thing for him

An rud nach bhfuil leigheas air caithfear cur suas leis.

What can't be cured must be endured

An rud nach féidir ní féidir é.

The impossible cannot be done

An t-uan ag múineadh méilí dá mháthair.

The lamb teaching its mother how to bleat

An tslat nuair a chruann le haois is deacair í a shníomh ina gad.

When the rod hardens with age it's difficult to bend it

An té a bhfuil builín aige gheobhaidh sé scian lena ghearradh.

The man who has a loaf will get a knife to cut it

An té a bhíonn amuigh fuarann a chuid.

The one who is out, his share gets cold

An té a bhíonn siúlach bíonn sé scéalach.

Travellers have tales

An té a bhíonn thuas óltar deoch air.

When you're up, they drink to you

An té a bhíonn thíos buailtear cos air.

When you're down, they kick you

An té a dtéann teist na mochóirí amach air ní cás dó codladh go headra.

The person who gains the reputation of getting up early can sleep late

An té a mbíonn an rath ar maidin air bíonn sé air tráthnóna.

He who is lucky in the morning tends to be luck in the evening too

An té nach bhfuil láidir ní foláir dó bheith glic.

He who is not strong has to be clever

An té nach mbeireann ar an ngnó beireann an gnó air.

He who does not get a grip on the job, the job gets a grip on him

An té nach nglacann comhairle glacfaidh sé comhrac.

Whoever will not accept advice must accept strife

An té nach trua leis do chás, ná déan do ghearán leis.

He who does not sympathise with your plight, don't make your complaint to him

Ar mhaithe leis féin a níos an cat crónán.

The cat purrs to please itself

Ar scath a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.

People live in one another's shadow

Bailíonn brobh beart.

A little gathers to a lot

Beart gan leigheas, foighne is fearr dó.

Patience is the best thing for an incurable situation

Beatha duine a thoil

Everyone to his own tastes

Beatha teanga í a labhairt.

It's the life of a language to speak it

Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach.

Power will have another day

Bliain le duine agus bliain ina choinne.

One year with you, one against you

Breithnigh an abhainn sara dtéir ina cuilithe.

Observe the river before you venture into its currents

Briseann an dúchas trí shúile an chait.

Nature breaks out through the eyes of the cat

Bíonn adharca fada ar na buaibh thar lear.

Faraway cows have long horns

Bíonn an fhírinne searbh.

Truth is often bitter

Bíonn blas ar an mbeagán.

A little of anything is tasty

Bíonn blas milis ar phraiseach na gcomharsan.

The neighbours gruel tastes sweet

Bíonn caora dhubh ar an tréad is gile

Even the whitest flock has a black sheep

Bíonn cead cainte ag fear caillte na himeartha.

The man who has lost the match has permission to talk

Bíonn dhá insint ar gach aon scéal.

There are two sides to every story

Bíonn gach tosú lag.

Every beginning is weak

Bíonn súil le muir ach ní bhíonn súil le huaigh.

There is hope of coming back from the sea but none of coming back from the dead

Cad a dhéanfadh mac an chait ach luch a mharú.

Like father like son

Cailín ag Móir is Móir ag iarraidh déirce.

Mór has a servant girl while she herself is out begging

Caora mhór an t-uan i bhfad.

The lamb becomes a big heavy sheep over distance

Chonaic mé cheana thú, arsa an cat leis an mbainne te.

I saw you before, as the cat said to the warm milk...

Ciall agus míchiall - dís ná gabhann le chéile.

Sense and nonsense - two which do not go together

Cuir an breac san eangach sula gcuire tú sa phota é.

Put the trout in the net before you put it in the pot

Cuir síoda ar ghabhar - is gabhar fós é.

Put silk on a goat, it's still a goat

D’ordaigh Dia cúnamh.

God helps those who help themselves

Doras feasa fiafraí.

The door to wisdom is to ask questions

Dá dhonacht é Séamas ba mheasa bheith ina éagmais.

However bad Séamas is it would be worse to be without him

Dá fhad lá tagann oíche.

However long the day, night comes

Dá mbeadh soineann go Samhain bheadh breall ar dhuine éigin.

If it was fine till Halloween someone would be unhappy

Éire i bpáirt, Éire ar lár.

Ireland divided is Ireland laid low

Éist le fuaim na habhann agus gheobhair breac.

Listen to the sound of the river and you will catch a trout

Fear na bó faoina heireaball.

The cows owner must go under her tail

Feileann spallaí do bhallaí chomh maith le clocha móra.

Small shards suit as well as big stones for building walls

Filleann an feall ar an bhfeallaire.

The evil deed returns to the evildoer

Gach dalta mar oiltear.

Every pupil is as he is trained

Galar gan náire an tart.

Thirst is a shameless disease

Giorraíonn beirt bóthar.

Two people shorten the road

Glacann fear críonna comhairle.

A wise man accepts advice

I dtosach na haicíde is fusa í a leigheas.

It's at the beginning of the disease it is easiest to cure

dtus an mhála is ceart a bheith tíosach.

It's at the beginning of the bag that one must be economical

I ndiaidh a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin.

Rome wasn't built in a day

Imíonn an tuirse is fanann an tairbhe.

Tiredness goes away and the benefit remains

Iomad den aithne a mheadaíonn an tarcaisne.

Familiarity breeds contempt

Is ait an mac an saol.

Life is strange

Is beo duine tar éis a bhuailte ach ní beo é tar éis a cháinte.

A person is alive after being beaten but not after his good name is taken

Is binn béal ina thost.

Sweet to hear is a mouth which is silent

Is breá an ní an óige ach ní thagann sí faoi dhó.

Youth is a fine thing but it does not come twice

Is báidhiúil iad lucht aoncheirde.

Birds of a feather flock together

Is cuma nó muc duine gan seift.

A shiftless person is the same as a pig

Is deacair ceann críonna a chur ar cholainn óg.

It's hard to put a wise head on young shoulders

Is deacair rogha a bhaint as dhá dhíogha

It's hard to choose between two evils

Is dána gach madra i ndoras a thí féin.

Every dog is bold in his own doorway

Is dóigh le fear na buile gurb é féin fear na céille.

The crazy man reckons he is the sensible one

Is fada an bóthar nach bhfuil casadh ann.

It's a long road that has no turning

Is fada siar a théann iarsma an drochbhirt.

The trail of a bad deed goes a long way

Is fearr a bheith díomhaoin ná droch-ghnóthach.

Better to be idle than up to no good

Is fearr an t-imreas ná an t-uaigneas.

Arguing is better than loneliness

Is fearr an tsláinte ná na táinte.

Health is better than wealth

Is fearr beagán den ghaol ná mórán den charthanas.

A little relationship is better than a lot of charity

Is fearr cara sa chúirt ná punt sa sparán.

Better a friend in court than a pound in the purse

Is fearr go mall ná go brách.

Better late than never

Is fearr leath ná meath .

Half is better than nothing (literally: decaying)

Is fearr lán doirn de cheird ná lán mála d’ór.

A fistful of a trade is better than a bagful of gold

Is fearr mac le himirt ná mac le hól.

Better to have a son mad for sport than mad for drink

Is fearr marcaíocht ar ghabhar ná coisíocht dá fheabhas.

Better to ride on a goat than the finest walking

Is fearr rith maith ná drochsheasamh.

A good run is better than a bad stand

Is fearr súil le glas ná súil le huaigh.

Better to look forward to prison than to the grave

Is fearr súil romhat ná dhá shúil i do dhiaidh.

Better one look before you than two behind

Is furasta fuineadh in aice na mine.

It's easy to knead next to the mill

Is gaire cabhair Dé ná an doras.

God's help is nearer than the door

Is geal gach nua agus is searbh gach gnáth.

Every novelty is great and every commonplace is bitter

Is geal leis an bhfiach dubh a ghearrcach féin.

The black raven thinks its own offspring is bright

 Is geall le scíth malairt oibre.

A change of work is as good as a rest

Is glas iad na cnoic i bhfad uainn.

Faraway hills are green

 Is iad na muca ciúine a itheann an mhin.

It's the quiet pigs who eat the meal.

 Is in ithe na putóige a bhíonn a tástáil.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

Is iomaí cor a chuireann an saol de.

Life goes through many twists and turns

 Is leor nod don eolach.

A nod is enough to the wise

Is leor ó Mhór a dícheall.

All anyone can do is his best

 Is lia gach othar i ndiaidh a leighis.

Every patient is a surgeon after he is cured

 Is lú ná fríd máthair an oilc.

It takes very little to cause trouble

 Is mairg a dheanann deimhin dá dhóchas.

Woe to he who checks out what he hopes to be true

 Is mairg a dhéanann an t-olc is a bhíonn bocht ina dhiaidh.

Woe to the one who does evil and does not profit by it

Is maith an scáthán súil charad.

A friend's eye is a good mirror

Is maith an scéalaí an aimsir.

Time will tell

 Is maith an t-anlann an t-ocras.

Hunger is a good sauce

 Is maith an t-iománaí an té a bhíonn ar an gclaí.

The hurler on the ditch is a great fellow

 Is maith le Dia féin cúnamh.

God himself likes a bit of help

 Is maol gualainn gan bhráthair.

A shoulder without a friend is undefended

Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón.

It's often a person's mouth broke his nose

 Is minic a bhí cú mhall sona.

It's often a slow hound was content

Is minic a gheall tailliúir is ná tiocfadh sé.

It's often a tailor promised to come and did not

 Is minic ciúin ciontach .

The quiet ones are often guilty

 Is mór é luach na foighne.

Patience is worth a lot

Is olc an chearc nach scríobann di féin.

It's a poor hen won't scratch for itself

Is olc an ghaoth nach séideann do dhuine éigin.

It's an ill wind blows nobody any good

Is sleamhain an leac ag doras duine uasail.

The flagstone is slippery at the door of a decent man

Is treise dúchas ná oiliúint.

Nature is stronger than training

Is trom cearc i bhfad.

A small burden grows heavier with distance

Is túisce deoch ná scéal.

First a drink, then your news

 Is í an chiall cheannaigh an chiall is fearr.

Sense bought dearly is the best kind

Is í an dias is troime is ísle a chromann a ceann.

It is the heaviest ear of corn which bows its head lowest

Mair a chapaill is gheobhair féar.

Live horse and you will get hay

Maireann an chraobh ar an bhfál ach ní mhaireann an lámh a chuir.

The branch lives on the fence but not the hand that planted it

Maireann croí éadrom i bhfad.

Light heart lives long

Marbh le tae agus marbh gan é.

Can't live with it, can't live without it

Mian mic a shúil.

A child wants everything he sees

Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.

Praise youth and youth will respond

Mol gort is ná mol geamhar.

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

Mura gcuirfidh tú san Earrach ní bhainfidh tú sa bhFómhar.

If you don't sow in Spring you won't reap in Autumn

Mura mbeadh agat ach pocán gabhair bí i lár an aonaigh leis.

Even if you have only a puck goat to sell be in the middle of the fair with it

Más cam díreach an ród is é an bóthar mór an t-aicearra.

Be it crooked or straight, it's the main road is the shortest way

Más maith leat do mholadh faigh bás: más maith leat do cháineadh pós.

If you want to be praised, die: if you want to be criticized, marry

 Más olc maol is measa mullach.

If it's bad on the flat it's worse at the summit

Múineann gá seift.

Necessity teaches resourcefulness

Namhaid an cheird gan í a fhoghlaim.

If you don't learn your trade, it becomes your enemy

Nuair a bheidh do lámh i mbéal na con tarraing go réidh í.

When your hand is in the hound's mouth withdraw it gently

Nuair a bhíonn an cat amuigh bíonn na lucha ag rince.

When the cat's away the mice dance

Nuair is crua don chailleach caithfidh sí rith.

When it's tough for the hag she has to run

Nuair is gann é an bia is fial é a roinnt.

When the food is scarce it's generous to share it

Ná bac le mac an bhacaigh is ní bhacfaidh mac an bhacaigh leat.

Mind your own business

Ná cuir do leas ar cairde.

Don't procrastinate

Ná déan nós is ná bris nós.

Don't make a custom and don't break a custom

Ná tabhair breith ar an gcéad scéal.

Hear both sides before judgement

Ní bheathaíonn na breithre na braithre.

Words alone won't feed the brothers

Ní bhfuair minic onóir.

Familiarity breeds contempt

Ní bhíonn an rath ach mar a mbíonn an smacht.

No success without discipline

Ní bhíonn fear náireach éadálach.

A shy man won't be rich

Ní bhíonn in aon rud ach seal.

Nothing lasts for ever

Ní bhíonn tréan buan.

The strong don't prevail for ever

Ní breac é go raibh sé ar an bport.

Don't count your fish till it's landed

Ní dhéanfadh an saol capall ráis d’asal.

The world won't make a racehorse out of a donkey

Ní dhéanfaidh smaoineamh an treabhadh duit.

Thinking will not do the ploughing for you

Ní fhaigheann lámh iata ach dorn dúnta.

A closed hand gets nothing but a closed fist

Ní fiú bheith ag seanchas agus an anachain déanta.

No point in talking when the damage is done

Ní féasta go rósta is ní céasta go pósta.

It's not a feast without a roast and true suffering comes with marriage

Ní féidir bheith ag feadaíl is ag ithe mine.

You can't whistle and eat meal at the same time

Ní féidir leis an ngobadán an dá thrá a fhreastal.

You can't be two places at once

Ní féidir é a bheith ina ghruth is ina mheadhg agat.

You can't have it both ways

Ní haithne go haontíos.

You want to know me, come live with me

Ní heaspa go díth carad.

There is no lack so bad as the lack of a friend

Ní hé lá na gaoithe lá na scolb.

The windy day is not the day for thatching

Ní ionann dul go tigh an rí agus teacht as.

It's not the same thing to go to the king's house and to come out of it

Ní lia duine ná tuairim.

People are not more numerous than opinions

Ní lia tír ná gnás.

There are not more countries than there are customs

Ní mar a shíltear a bhítear.

Things aren't always what they seem

Ní mhealltar an sionnach faoi dhó.

You won't fool the fox a second time

Ní neart go cur le chéile.

There is no strength like co-operation

Ní sia gob an ghé na gob an ghandail.

The goose's beak is no longer than the gander's

Ní thagann ciall roimh aois.

Sense does not come before age

Ní théann dlí ar riachtanas.

Necessity overrides the law

Ní troimide an loch an lacha.

The lake is not heavier for having the duck on it

 Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin.

No place like home

Níl leigheas ar an gcathú ach é a mharú le foighne.

There is no cure for regret but to kill it with patience

Níl luibh ná leigheas in aghaidh an bháis.

There is no herb or cure for death

Níl saoi gan locht ná daoi gan tréith.

There is no wise man without a fault nor any fool without a good feature

Níl sprid ná puca nach bhfuil fios a chúise aige.

There is no spirit nor ghost doesn't know his own business

Níl tuile dá mhéad nach dtránn.

There is no flood, however great, that does not ebb away

Níl íseal ná uasal ach thíos seal agus thuas seal.

There is neither low not high but down for a while and up for a while.

Níor bhris focal maith fiacail riamh.

A good word never broke a tooth

Níor chaill fear an mhisnigh riamh é.

The man of courage never lost it

Níor líon beannacht bolg riamh.

A blessing never filled a belly

Pós bean ón sliabh agus pósfaidh tú an sliabh ar fad.

Marry a woman from the mountain and you will marry the entire mountain

Ritheann fear buile trí thuile go dána, ach is minic thug tuile fear buile le fána.

A crazy man runs through a flood boldly, but it's often a flood swept a crazy man away

Sciúrdann éan as gach ealta.

A bird flies out of every flock

Seachnaíonn súil an ní ná feiceann.

An eye disregards what it does not see

Síoda ar Shiobhán is na preabáin ar a hathair.

Silk on Siobhán and her father in rags

Súil le breis a chailleann an cearrbhach.

Hoping to beats the odds is what ruins the gambler

Tabhair rogha don bhodach agus is é an díogha a thoghfaidh sé.

Give a choice to the churl and it's the worst he will pick

Tagann gach maith le cairde.

No grace comes singly

Taithí a dhéanann máistreacht.

Practice makes perfect

Tar éis a thuigtear gach beart.

Hindsight is a great thing

Tarraingíonn scéal scéal eile.

One story leads on to another

Tosach sláinte codladh : deireadh sláinte osna.

The beginning of health is sleep: the end of health is a sigh

Tuigeann Tadhg Taidhgín.

Like understands like

Tír gan teanga tír gan anam.

A country without a language is a country without a soul

 Tús maith leath na hoibre.

A good start is half the work