Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture & Bioscience Links:
 Online Technical Notes for Vets, Advisers & Nutritional Consultants

These notes are cached from the old pages of the Grange Research Centre, Dunsany, Co. Meath, Ireland. Grange is part of Teagasc [Irish Agriculture & Food Development Authority].  They are hosted on the
 Web Pages of Phil Rogers MRCVS, Dublin, Ireland


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The following notes are available online.
Click on any topic to retrieve the text:

Technical Notes for Vets & Nutritional Consultants [This Index]

Achieving high Yield and high Digestibility with first-cut Silage

Are Mineral Tests in Milk reliable to assess Mineral Status of Cattle?

Background to Farm Nutrient Profile

Baled Silage - Development of reliable baled silage systems

Baled silage: Guidelines for making good quality winter feed

Biochemical variables and trace element analyses

Bovine abortion, perinatal & early postnatal problems

Bovine anaemia

Bovine fertility & control of herd infertility

Bovine hypocalcaemia & Milk Fever

Bovine illthrift / poor performance / weight loss

Bovine ketosis (mainly in dairy herds): Causes & Control

Bovine lameness & laminitis

Bovine magnesium supplements

Bovine mastitis, high SCC & milk drop

Bovine Mineral-Vitamin Balancers for Irish Maize Silage

Bovine mineral mixes

Bovine pica, urine drinking & depraved appetite

Bovine rough, faded coats

Calf feeding and management – future prospects

Calf health and immunity

Composition (dry matter, energy, protein, ash, major- and trace- elements) of common feedstuffs

Control of mineral imbalances in cattle & sheep: A reference manual for Advisers & Vets
(Calcium Imbalance, Hypocalcaemia and Milk Fever | Cobalt Deficiency | Copper Deficiency / Molybdenum Excess | Iodine Deficiency | Magnesium Deficiency, hypomagnesaemia and tetany | Manganese Deficiency | Phosphorus Deficiency | Selenium Deficiency | Selenium Toxicity | Sodium Deficiency | Zinc Deficiency)

Copper, selenium & iodine status in Irish Cattle: End of Project Report 4382

DM, major elements & trace elements in Irish grass, silage & hay

Grange breakpoints to assess blood, liver & milk tests in cattle & sheep

Iodine supplements for cattle, sheep & horses

Iodine supplementation of cattle. End of Project Report: Project No. 4381

Lamb Illthrift

Maximising output of beef within cost efficient, environmentally compatible forage conservation Systems

Mineral Supplementation of Dairy Cows: In-Service Training for Teagasc Advisers

Optimum Mineral Nutrition of Cattle & Sheep on Irish Farms

Ovine Clinical Hypocalcaemia (so-called "Lambing Sickness" in Ewes)

Poisoning in Cattle & Sheep by Urea, Nitrates & Nitrites: Sources, Toxic Doses, Treatment & Prevention

Poisoning in sheep by copper (Cu): Control

Routine Prevention of Mineral Deficiencies in Beef Herds

Scour in cattle & sheep

Selenium toxicity in farm animals: treatment and prevention

Silage Gas - tabhair aire - Beware!

The Role of the Lab in the Investigation of Herd Health Problems: Intelligent Use of Lab Diagnosis

Urinary calculi in lambs & calves

Uterine prolapse in cattle [Geoff Manefield, PGF, Sydney]

If any of these Links are wrong, or if you have other good Links in Animal Science or Vet Medicine, please use the Online Feedback Form

This page was last updated on Friday October 14, 2005



abortion | anaemia | animal health | animal health problems | animal ill health, real or imagined | animal losses | animal management | animal welfare | anoestrus | antidote | aquadyne tablets | aquasel tablets | bark eating | beef | blood breakpoints | blood sample problem group at problem time | blood samples | blood samples in diagnosis | blood tests | blood v milk tests | blood, correct animals | blood, correct samples | blood, timing of samples | bovine | ca | calcium (ca) | calculi, urinary | calving problems | cobalt (co) deficiency | control of mineral imbalances | copper (cu) (deficiency, toxicity) | cu deficiency | cu toxicity | dairy - minerals for dairy herds | death | deficiency | depraved appetite | diagnosis | diagnosis, clinical | diagnosis, definitive | diagnosis, laboratory | diarrhoea | disease | disease incidence | drench | drenches | dystocia | energy balance | energy deficit | excess | farmer-perceived problems | feed | feed tests | fertility | fertility | flock health problems | fodderbeet balancer | fodderbeet, mineral balancer | grass tetany | haircoat rough, faded, stary | hay, major elements | hay, trace elements | heat detection | herbage, major elements | herbage, trace elements | herd health problems | high scc | history of supplementation | hypocalcaemia | hypomagnesaemia | i | illthrift | imbalance | imbalance | immunosuppression | index of herd health | infertility | intelligent use of lab | investigation of herd illhealth | iodine (i) | ionox bolus | joint-ill | ketosis | lab - intelligent use of | lab service | lameness | laminitis | lazy calving | liver breakpoints | low immunity | magnesium (mg) | maize, mineral balancer | major elements in grass, silage & hay | mammary infection | manganese (mn) | mastitis | medication of water supply | metritis | mg | milk drop | milk fever (notes, manual), | milk mineral tests | milk tests | milk v blood tests | milk, breakpoints | mineral imbalance | mineral mix, fodderbeet balancer | mineral mix, maize balancer | mineral mixes for beef herds | mineral mixes for calved cows | mineral mixes for dairy herds | mineral mixes for dry cows | mineral mixes for drystock | mineral mixes for ewes | mineral mixes for lambs | mineral mixes for tetany control | mineral mixture | mineral supplement for beetpulp | mineral supplement for maize | mineral tests on blood | minerals | minerals for beef herds | mn | mo | molybdenum (mo) | multifactorial aspects of animal illhealth | mummification | na | ndo | negative energy balance | neonatal problems | nitrate toxicity | nitrate toxicity | nitrite toxicity | nitrite toxicity | nonclinical problems | non-detected oestrus | notes | oestrus, non-detected | online technical notes | ovine | p | peps | pepsinogen | perinatal calf loss | perinatal problems in calves | periparturient problems in cows | phosphorus (p) | pica | placental retention | pneumonia, neonatal | poisoning | poor thrive | prolapse | prolapsed uterus | reference manual on the control of mineral imbalances | repeat breeders | sampling | scc | scour | se | se toxicity | selenium (se) | silage, major elements | silage, trace elements | silent heats | slurry drinking | sodium (na) | soft calves | soil ingestion | soil tests | somatic cell counts | stillbirth | stillbirth | supplement for fodderbeet | supplementation history important | technical notes online | thrive | toxicity | trace elements | trace-element check in healthy herds | urea toxicity | urinary calculi | urinary obstruction | urine drinking | urolithiasis | uterine infection | uterine prolapse | water medication | weak calves | weight loss | zinc | zn deficiency |