Sasquatch First
appearance: Uncanny X-Men #120
Walter Langowski is a former member of the now
defunct Canadian super-team, Alpha Flight. He
encountered Generation X when Emma brought them
to Canada during the Onslaught crisis, and more
recently when a sasquatch was found roaming the
woods surrounding the Academy.
Siryn First
appearance: Spider-woman (first series) #37
Rourke is the daugher of Banshee (aka Sean
Cassidy), as Banshee did not know of her
existance until recently she was raised by her
father's cousin Black Tom Cassidy. Black Tom
forced her into committing crimes for him, but
exonerated her from blame when they were arrested.
Siryn then joined X-Force and became their deputy
leader, she also had to overcome an alcohol
addiction. She lost her mutant powers recently
when, in a battle, the mutant called Feral cut
Theresa's throat therefore severing her vocal
cords. She then retired from X-Force and after
the events of the six month gap has not returned.
Her current whereabouts and status are unknown.
Siryn possesses the same sonic abilities as her
father, Banshee, but is more powerful and not as
limited as he is.
Spider-man First
appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15
Parker was bitten by a radio-active spider and
given the proportionate strength, speed and
agility of a spider. He also gained a spider-sense
which warns him of danger. He used his powers to
earn money by wrestling under the moniker 'Spider-man',
one night he didn't help a security guard who was
chasing a robber. Later his uncle Ben was killed
by an intruder, when Peter tracked down this man
he found that it was the same robber whom he had
seen earlier. From then on he has used his powers
to protect others. He recently encountered
Generation X when Leech and Artie helped him
defeat Sandman.