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And Echoed in the Well of Silence.... by Jeanne M. ******
Usual Jeanne M disclaimer:
Characters? NOT MINE. Money? NONE MADE. This takes place
barely 5 min after Just Walk Away. I keep trying to work
on my other storylines, but this one keeps popping up and
demanding I write more. *sigh* Why can't the voices go
bother someone else? Idea for the title comes from the
Simon and Garfunkle song "Sounds of Silence,"
which is quite nice to listen to when writing. For the
record- I hate Paige Guthrie. If you know me in 'real'
life, and you know my friends....you understand about the
Grits. That said.....Onwards!
because sometimes it's
what's said between the lines. Jono could not believe he
just did that. Correction, Jono could not believe he had
done that and gotten away alive. It was unreal. He hadn't
really had a plan to be honest, other than get her to
admit she wasn't happy. He knew damn well that his
younger teammate was a very dangerous young woman, even
if she hid that particular fact deep within a facade of
pop culture and valley-girl antics. Bravo mate. You just
managed to keep Spark from slitting yer throat, barely.
She woulda cut you open without blinking. Nah, Spark may
be many things, but she wouldn't kill me over this. She'd
be more likely to run off.....ah shite..... With that
realization, Jonothon changed the direction of his walk
and headed towards the girl's dorm. He reached her room at the
same time as Paige was leaving. "What can ah do for
ya Jono?" She eyed him suspiciously, not really
wanting to know what he wanted. **Hullo. Is Sparkler around?**
Terse, he peered around her into the room. Nope, no sign
of her. Damn. She was probably out rollerblading still.
**We're supposed to have an anime marathon later, and I
fergot to ask her what time.** Paige gave him a scathing
look. "No, Jubilee's not here. I'll leave her a note
saying you stopped in, how's that?" **What's with the hostility,
gel? I know we're not on the best of terms right now, but
where's this coming from?** Jono was puzzled, he could
almost see the resentment and anger flowing from Paige.
**What did I do this time?** "Sparkler????
Oh c'mon Jono. Adopting yet another helpless girl? Are
you going to give every female on campus some cutesy
little nickname? Or do you just have a thing for roomies?"
Paige was bristling at him with all the ire she could
muster. Jono blinked. Twice. **
Paige, yer nuts. Spark don't mean anything to me that way.
I just wanted to know what time our anime showing is.** "Whatsa matter Guthrie,
jealous 'cause I got a hot date with tall-dark-and-leather
here?" Jono froze at the sound of the sarcasm behind
him. Shit, Jubilee. "Chill hayseed, it's our monthly
anime viewing. Someone would think you still had a thing
for the guy the way yer carrying on." Jubilee
breezed past both of them into the room, rollerblades
making a whirring sound on the floor. "B'sides, it
ain't like that, and you know it. Quit tryin' to cause
trouble, no soap operas in my room. C'mon in Jono. See ya
later, Paige. Don't let the ego bump the door on the way
out." Jubilee flashed her winning smile at Paige,
simultaneously shoving her out of the doorway and pulling
Jono into the room as the door slammed shut. "Bitch.
Sorry Jono, I know ya like her, but I can't stand the
brat half the time. Miss I-Wanna-Out-Do-My-Brother. All
she cares about is the position of leading the X-Men
someday, it's not about the Dream or teamwork for her.
She ain't got the people skills or the heart for the job,
but I'm not the one to tell her that." **And who does? You?** Jono
projected with humor as he sat down on Jubilee's blue
velvet butterfly chair. "Me? Nah, yours truly
is no more than a career grunt. I take the orders, I
ignore the orders, I get yelled at for nearly killing
myself, and everyone goes home alive. It's an okay system
if ya know how to work it. You smile, go out and save the
world, come back beat ta heck, and start the cycle over
again." Jubilee grinned infectiously at him. "I
may be a grunt, but at least I know it. I'm not cut out
for anything else, I'm too much a loner, like Wolvie. And
let's face it, I'm ruined for 'normal' life after being
an X." She popped her skates off and hung them from
her bedpost. "Now, seeing as how I just saw you no
more than a half hour ago, what can I do for you this
time?" **Fear of you skipping out
on our 'date' tonight.** This time it was her turn to
blink. Twice. "Hmmm. Okay, I can see where you might
think that. I do have a tendency to vanish, don't I?"
At his nod, she continued. "No fears, Jono. I ain't
leaving this time. May I ask what brought that to mind?" **The fact you almost silt
me throat. I was frozen the entire time you had that
blade against me. The second you stepped back, I realized
you wouldn't kill me over this. Yer more likely to
disappear for awhile.** Jono paused for a moment, an
annoyed look crossing his face. ** I only remembered just
now that you couldn't a killed me, because I ain't got a
throat.** "I was wondering if you
would figure that out." Jubilee leaned against the
window, looking smug. "Natural reaction to being
threatened with a very sharp object by a rather dangerous
person is fear. You were either going to freeze up and
try and talk me down, or instinctively blast me the
moment you felt threatened. Since I acted like I could
and would kill you, your mind took it at face value. You
don't have enough fine control to just blast me away, so
you automatically froze." ** I could feel that toy a
your's at my neck!** Jono couldn't understand, he had
felt the cool steel of the blade resting against his skin
and the sharp edge press ever so gently to him. ** I don't
have a neck!!!** "Ever heard of Phantom
Limb Syndrome? Look it up. Besides you do too have a neck,
just not a throat. I got behind you, remember? I pressed
the knife on the diagonal, tip at the cheek, slanting
down towards the back of your neck. It's not my fault you
thought it was life-threatening." Jono could see her
amusement turning to annoyance. **Sparkler, It's cool. I'm
just dismayed I fell for it. An' feel like kicking myself
fer not expecting you to do something. To be honest, I
thought you'd give me the finger, and skate off never to
be seen again.** Jono shuffled his feet and looked her in
the eyes. God, her eyes were so brilliant. ** An' I like
you too much to see that happen. As a friend an' all.** "Yeah." Jubilee
suddenly seemed quite uncomfortable. "Friends an'
stuff." She moved away from the window, sitting
cross-legged on her bed. "Which is so totally weird
if you think about it." **Nah, not really. We've
been put the life's shitter a couple of times now. Social
injustice, persecution, and all that. You got fucked over,
I got fucked over. We're fucked. An' we're both damn good
at projecting our 'image' an' all that.** "Yeah, we invite
Penance to join the party, an' we got the mutant version
of the Three Musketeers." Jubilee snickered nastily,
projecting a picture of the three of them in Musketeer
uniforms from the Disney movie into his mind. ** Not funny gel. I don't do
Disney.** "Hey, you an' Penny are
the ones with leather fetishes. Maybe you need some
Disney every so often." She adopted a thoughtful
look. "Although, there was this dress at Ragstock
that looked like Trinity's from the Matrix that I was
thinking of getting. I think I might look good in
polyurethane...." ** I'd be better than the
spandex habit yer got going now.** "I could say the same
for you!" ** I didn't come here to
talk about mutant psychology or fashion, Spark. I just
wanted to make sure you hadn't skipped town, an' to see
what time the marathon was at. I fergot to ask before.**
Jono borrowed Sean's patented 'kicked-puppy look,' and
Jubilee bust out laughing, all tension broken. "Sheesh. I dunno? I'm
hungry, so after dinner? And I don't think we want to
hold it in here, unless you can ignore Paige's 'wounded
southern belle' act." **Emma's cooking tonight.** "It starts in half an
hour, I'm ordering pizza, and it takes place in your
basement." ** Can you make pancakes?** Jubilee started to say
something, but stopped, a twitch of a smile showing.
"Yeah, I think I can manage pancakes. Chocolate chip?" ** Please.** "You realize if Ange
catches me making pancakes, he's going to eat most of
them. We may as well invite him too, or he'll complain
about me starving him." **Not a problem.** Jono
reached out across the campus, searching for his friend.
**'Ey, Angelo. Get yer bum up to Jubilee's room. We're
having an anime marathon in the basement tonight, you're
invited, and I need you to help me carry her Slayers
collection. She's making her pancakes.** **Chocolate Chip?** Jono
could feel Angelo's attention shift from his Atari to the
thought of pancakes. **Yes, you glutton. The gel's
making the chocolate chip ones, and she says if you don't
help me then you don't get any. We're watching everything
in our combined stash. Care to join us?** "Si si, anything for a
beautiful chica who cooks." Angelo was already
sticking his nose around the door. "Did someone say
pancakes?" Jubilee giggled, throwing
her pillow at him. "Yes. What's this I hear about
you extolling my virtues as a chef to Jono? Why did he
ask me for pancakes? And what's this about 'beautiful?'
" Angelo swept low in a
mocking bow. "Because, you are the only beautiful
chicquita in the house who can cook. Monet wouldn't lower
herself, Ms. Frost is a CEO, not a chef, and I don't
wanna know what's in that stuff Country Mouse makes."
"Grits." Jubilee
shuddered. "Don't get me started." "But it's all about the
Grits!" Angelo said gleefully. "Dios, that
stuff's probably what causes her family to mutate so much." ** Ferget the coal mine, it's
all in the Grits.** Jono projected as his eyes crinkled. "Ahem. If'n ya'll are
done...." The three jumped guiltily at the sight of
the very angry blonde in the doorway. "Nah, we ain't even
started yet Hayseed." Jubilee maliciously proclaimed
as she jumped off the bed and grabbed an armload of tapes
off her dresser. "But you aren't invited to the
party. Hope ya like Frost's omelettes. Jonothon, Ange, c'mon!"
As the three ran down the
hall, arms loaded with anime and trading cracks about
Grits, a single figure stood in the doorway, unable to
utter anything in her defense other than very distressed...... "Not omelettes!" |