M Real name: (as one
being) Monet St. Croix, (as two beings) Nicole
and Claudette St. Croix.
Age: 16 (?)
Occupation: X-Corp
member, (former) student
Place of birth: Monaco
Known relatives:
Cartier St. Croix (father), Marius St. Croix (aka
Emplate, brother), mother (deceased).
Group affiliation: X-Corps,
(former) Generation X
First appearance:
Uncanny X-Men #316
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 125 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
History: M first
appeared when the Phalanx kidnapped several young
mutants to learn how to assimilate them into the
Phalanx collective. M was kidnapped along with
Blink, Husk and Skin. They were later rescued by
Banshee, Jubilee, Sabretooth, Synch and the White
Queen, all except Blink who sacrificed her life
to save her friends. M then joined Generation X While
with Generation X M used to often fall into a
catatonic state during moments of intense
concentration. She used also become very upset
when her family was mentioned and sometimes acted
childishly while most other times she was mature
and sophisticated. When Emplate, Generation X's 'arch-enemy',
captured the team he revealed that M was, in fact,
his younger sister.
The secret of M later
emerged when Generation X was involved in a
battle with the Prime Sentinels. An explosion
occurred and when the dust cleared they found two
young girls instead of M. Their names were Nicole
and Claudette St. Croix and they were also
mutants. They possessed the ability to become one
person, a girl, whose age was the sum of their
combined ages. The episodes M used to have, when
she was in a catatonic state, were a result of
Claudette's autism. Everytime Claudette took
control over M it would appear that she was in a
trance. The reason they took this from was
because their older brother Marius had trapped
their sister Monet in a mute and deaf body,
untouchable both physically and emotionally.
In this body she
became his sole source of sustenance and later a
member of Generation X under the name 'Penance'.
Marius hated Monet because she was egotistic and
behaved as though she was superior to to everyone
else, and the Penance body was his punishment for
her. Since Monet was their father's favourite the
twins decided to take her place. Later they
swapped bodies with Monet. She was returned to
her own body and the twins were trapped in
Penance. An explosion, caused by Jubilee, freed
the twins from the Penance body when Emplate
attacked during the school dance.
During the six month
gap Monet began to date Synch. She was devastated
by his death and found it hard to carry on
After the closure of
the Academy Monet returned home, then joined the
X-Corporation under Banshee along with Jubilee
and Husk.
Strength level: Monet
is superhumanly strong but her limits have not
been defined. She can lift, at least, 10 tonnes.
Known superhuman
abilties: (Nicole and Claudette) The twin version
of M displayed superhuman strength, flight,
telepathy and acute night vision. (Monet) The
real M also possesses superhuman strength, flight,
telepathy and acute night vision. She recently
displayed superhuman speed. [According to Marvel,
Monet's telepathic powers are limited.]
Note - Monet is
extraordinarily intelligent but this is not as a
result of her mutation.