name: Everett Thomas
of Birth: St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
relatives: Stan Thomas (father), Ida Thomas (mother),
Kim Ho Twae (adopted sister), adopted brother.
affiliation: none, (former) Generation X
appearance: X-Men #36
appearance: Generation X #70
165 lbs
Black (shaved bald)
History: Ev grew up a
straight-A student in St. Louis, Missouri. When
his mutant powers first surfaced he synched with
Banshee causing him to let out a sonic scream
which shattered the windows of houses in the
surrounding area. He then joined with Banshee,
Jubilee, Sabretooth and the White Queen to save a
group of young mutants (Blink, Husk, M & Skin)
from the Phalanx entity Harvest. Although they
succeeded in defeating Harvest they owed their
victory in no small part to Blink who sacrificed
her life to save her friends. The young mutants (Jubilee,
Husk, M, Skin & Synch) all decided to attend
the Massachusetts Academy to better learn how to
control their powers. As a member of
Generation X Synch has faced many foes but their
most determined enemy has been Emplate, the
brother of M. The second time the team
encountered him he turned Synch into a being who
feeds on the bone marrow of others like himself,
Emplate then sent Synch to St. Louis to harm his
family. Although Synch resisted Emplate's
influence he needed the combined efforts of
Jubilee, Husk and M to revert him to normal.
As a
result of the machinations of Adrienne Frost,
Everett is now dead. He died protecting other
students from an explosion.
level: Normal for a man his age, weight and
height who engages in intensive regular exercise.
(If he is synched to a mutant with superhuman
strength then his own strength will increase
superhuman abilities: Ev possesses an aura which
allows him to be 'in synch' with other mutants
near him, this allows him to gain any powers they
might have. The powers he gains while 'synched'
to another mutant only remain with him while he
is near that person. Once the person moves a
certain distance away the powers Synch gained
begin to fade. Synch can also use his aura to
track down other mutants by locking onto their
mutagenic bio-signature with his aura which will
extend in the general direction of the person he
has locked on to. When Synch uses his powers a
multi-coloured aura surrounds his body. It has
been theorised that Synch may one day be able to
permanently retain powers he has acquired, making
him the potentially most powerful being on the