In Association with November Herbs


December herbs







Place cloches over tender herbs, or those sensitive to excess rain, and protect them against winter wet and cold.

You could also pot up some plants, bringing them into the kitchen for easy winter use.

Pest & disease watch

Botrytis (fluffy grey mould) and fungal leaf spots can cause problems, particularly on Mediterranean herbs, such as rosemary, sage and thyme, which can get too wet over winter. Gravel mulches, cloches and improving soil drainage by cultivation, and installation of drains where necessary, will all help to prevent this.

Root and stem rots, and excessive woodiness at the base, can be problematic for herbs where drainage and/or ventilation are insufficient over the winter. Think stony, sandy soil and Mediterranean conditions, and aim to recreate these in your herb garden.

Basil will not survive outside during the winter, so bring it into the greenhouse or heated conservatory to protect it from the cold. Keep pinching off any flower heads that appear, to keep the plant focussed on foliage production.

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This site was last updated 09-07-2008