Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
What is Educational Kinesiology?
Educational Kinesiology at Rossbeigh Therapies
In Educational Kinesiology our therapist uses a technique known as
muscle testing to establish which areas of the learning and processing of information are causing stress to the client's body and brain. All of this is done by a series of structured exercises, which have been found to create specific responses in the brain.The therapy deals with the stressful area by rebuilding the learning and processing in that specific area from the foundations up. This can take a number of sessions and exercises are prescribed, and are to be done each morning and evening in the intervening weeks. These exercises are working to retrain the client's brain and body to work more efficiently in specific ways.
Our Educational Kinesiologist deals with learning problems in clients of all ages, from infants to adults. These problems are frequently in the areas of Reading, Writing, Spelling, Maths, Long And Short-Term Recall Problems.
At Rossbeigh Therapies our Educational Kinesiologist is a qualified therapist who is also a qualified "learning support" (Remedial) teacher at Primary School level, and who holds an MA in Education specialising in dealing with learning difficulties.
Educational Kinesiology World-wide
Educational Kinesiology is the application of Kinesiology to the analysis and treatment of learning difficulties. It investigates where the learning difficulties lie and provides an effective therapy to remedy the situation.
Typical applications are with adults and children who appear to have a difficulty in learning some new topic or in recalling previously known information.
Included in the therapy session is the analysis of the physical and mental elements of the learning process, seeing, hearing, speaking, moving, recalling, reading, writing, spelling etc.
Frequently once a physical element is identified as causing a blockage and is dealt with, most of the stress is removed from the learning / recall situation and the person's life is enhanced.
There are a number of different approaches to educational Kinesiology. One of these is referred to as One Brain, another as Brain Gym®. Links are provided below to web-sites for both of these approaches.
Brain Gym® is so called because the body's actions can cause changes in the thought patterns, which occur in the brain. Using specific actions certain imbalances in mental processing can be sorted out and the brain retrained to process more efficiently what it hears, sees and recalls.
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Updated 19 November 2000
Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
Each assessment session lasts about an hour and there are exercises to be practised each day so that the brain can be reprogrammed.
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Updated 19 November 2000
Description of treatment.
Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
The treatment is carried out over of a number of visits. The therapist uses muscle testing to establish which areas of learning are causing stress in the client's body and brain.
All of this is done by a series of structured exercises, which have been found to create specific responses in the brain.
The therapy deals with the stressful area by rebuilding the learning process from the foundations up. This can take a number of sessions and exercises are prescribed for the client to do each morning and evening in the intervening periods.
These exercises are working to re-train the client's brain and body to work more efficiently in specific ways.
At Rossbeigh Therapies our Educational Kinesiologist is a qualified therapist who is also a qualified "learning support" teacher at Primary School level, and who holds an MA in Education specialising in learning difficulties.
Updated 19 November 2000
Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
Explanation Of Educational Kinesiology . |
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Updated 19 November 2000
Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
A program used in America and in other countries which is very similar to Educational Kinesiology is
Brain Gym®Brain Gym® is a program of physical activities that enhance learning ability.
The activities are easy and enjoyable, and they bring about rapid and often dramatic improvements in concentration, memory, reading, writing, organising, listening, physical co-ordination, and more.
Brain Gym® develops the brain's neural pathways the way nature does: through movement.
Brain Gym grew out of research started in 1969 by Paul Dennison, Ph.D., who was looking for ways to help children and adults who had been identified as "learning disabled." His research led him to the study of Kinesiology, the science of body movement and its relationship to brain function.
At the time, it was already well established that co-ordinated physical movement is necessary to brain development. Babies and young children naturally perform what experts in early childhood education call developmental movements. These movements develop the neural connections in the brain, which are essential to learning.
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Updated 19 November 2000
Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
Dr. Dennison discovered ways to adapt and sequence physical movements so they could be effective in changing the way the brains of children and adults process information and how these people learn. The result is a system of targeted activities that enhance performance in all areas - intellectual, creative, athletic, and interpersonal.
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Updated 19 November 2000
Rossbeigh Therapies
Wooden Bridge, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland
Email: rtherapies@eircom.net
Endorsed by the National Learning Foundation
Brain Gym has been taught worldwide in thousands of public and private schools.
It has been shown to be effective in published studies, and it is being incorporated into a growing number of corporate, institutional, and athletic training programs.
Since 1990, Brain Gym has been selected annually by the National Learning Foundation, the private-sector branch of the White House Task Force on Learning, as one of today's leading technologies for education.
Each assessment session lasts about an hour and there are exercises to be practised each day so that the brain can be reprogrammed.
Link to the Brain Gym®
Updated 19 November 2000