Eolas - Info
Clárigh - Register
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Online Resources -
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Ailt, Irisí agus araile - Articles, Journals etc.
Údarás Áitiúila agus Oifigigh Oidhreachta - Local Authorities and Heritage Officers
Riomhphoist Seandálaíochta - Archaeological E-Mail Directory
Many thanks to
Thaddeus Breen for the following list:
A.C.S. Ltd. - consultancy company specialising in civil and commercial projects.
Website: www.acsltd.ie
E-mail: donald@acsltd.ie
A.C.S. Ltd. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYING UNIT - We provide a wide range of Geophysical and Topographical techniques to suit all archaeological requirements. Available for commercial, research and academic surveys and consultancy.
Website: www.acsltd.ie
E-mail: enquiries@acsltd.ie
AEGIS ARCHAEOLOGY Ltd. - Archaeological contractors to both the public and private sectors. Established in 1998, Aegis undertakes all types of archaeological projects. ISO 9001:2000 certified (cert no. 2888), the first and only quality assured archaeological service in Ireland. Our head office is in Limerick city, but we work throughout the country. Aegis staff publish in a variety of locations as well as Aegis publishing its own in-house series of excavation reports, the first being Excavation of a Medieval Ringwork at Ballysimon, County Limerick, (ISBN 0-9541765-0-2).
Website: www.aegisarchaeology.com
E-mail: aegis@indigo.ie
ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIVING COMPANY Ltd. - Offers a professional service in underwater, inter-tidal, and riverine archaeology to the private and public sectors, for development and research interests.
Website: www.adco-ie.com
E-mail: info@adco-ie.com
ARCH-TECH Ltd. has extensive experience in all areas of archæological consultancy, including Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA/EIS), Site Assessments and Planning and Legal Consultations.
Website: www.arch-tech.com/
E-mail: contact Stephen Johnston or Christine Baker at archtechltd@eircom.net
ARCHAEOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Ltd. - A country-wide archæological consultancy, servicing all archæological requirements for the development sector. Contact us at info@adsireland.ie or adsni@iol.ie
ARCHAEOLOGICAL SERVICES UNIT, U.C.C. - Established in University College Cork in 1990, the Unit currently employs a number of qualified Field Archaeologists and
specialists. Under the overall direction of Ms Rose Cleary, these archaeologists are involved in both research and commercially-driven projects. Clients include private developers, national and international companies, commercial archaeological companies and various government agencies. The Unit has produced several policy documents for the Heritage Council, and contributes to the teaching and research functions of the Archaeology Department.
Postal address: The Archaeological Services Unit, Department of Archaeology, UCC, Cork, Republic Of Ireland
Telephone 021 4904020; Fax 021 4904131
Website: http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/depts/archaeology/services.html
E-mail: rcleary@archaeology.ucc.ie
ARCHAEOLOGICAL WOOD ANALYSIS - Simon Gannon - Specialising in technological and ecological analysis, also species identification and dendrochronology-viable sampling. Reconstruction and replication of objects and structures undertaken.
Website: www.woodarch.com
E-mail: sjkgannon@eircom.net
ARCHAEOPHYSICA Ltd. - Reconnaissance & Geophysics for Archaeology throughout Europe. Experienced providers of high quality geophysical and topographical surveys, analysis & visualisation and industry leaders in caesium vapour magnetometry & rapid electromagnetic surveys. Proven capability of projects from gardens to major infrastructure development.
Telephone: +44 (0) 7050 369789
Website: www.archaeophysica.co.uk
E-mail: mail@archaeophysica.co.uk
AVERY, Dr. Michael - Senior lecturer, Queen's University Belfast. Research interests include the Iron Age of Europe, Britain and Ireland; Early Irish (Brehon) Law; Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology.
E-mail: m.avery@qub.ac.uk
BABTIE GROUP LIMITED, Technical and Management Consultants. Our archaeology section has a proven track record in the following areas: project design and management, Environmental Impact Assessment, desk based assessments, earthwork and topographic survey, testing and excavation, building recording, applications of GIS. Contact Jonathan Dempsey 01 6606097.
E-mail: jdempsey@babtiepettit.ie
BAILLIE, Prof. Michael - Lectures in palaeoecology in Queen's University, Belfast. Research interests in dendrochronological and chronological issues.
E-mail: m.baillie@qub.ac.uk
BALLIN, Dr. Torben Bjarke - lithics specialist and Director of Lithic Research. Though based in Scotland, services are offered throughout the British Isles.
Address: Banknock Cottage, Denny, Stirlingshire FK6 5NA. Telephone: 01324 840 968.
E-mail: please make initial contact by post.
BARRETT, Dr. Gillian - Senior Lecturer, School of Applied Sciences, University of Wolverhampton. Archaeological Air Survey in Ireland. Archive of colour oblique aerial photography (dates: 1989-2000) of archaeological/historical sites and landscapes. Main research focus: discovery of plough-levelled archaeological sites recorded as cropmarks, particularly in south-east Ireland.
Address: School of Applied Sciences, University of Wolverhampton, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB. Direct telephone line: (+44/0)1902 322183. Fax: (+44/0)1902 322680.
E-mail: G.Barrett@wlv.ac.uk
BARRY, Professor Terry - Department of Medieval History, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Research interests include medieval settlement archaeology of Britain and Ireland as well as Norman castles and fortifications in Europe.
E-mail: tbarry@tcd.ie
BARTON, Kevin - Landscape & Geophysical Services, Lower James Street, Claremorris, County Mayo, Ireland.
E-mail: info@lgs.ie . Website: www.lgs.ie
BENNETT, Isabel - Consultant archaeologist resident on the Dingle Peninsula, Co. Kerry. Editor of the annual Excavations bulletin. Co-editor of the Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society.
E-mail: isbennet@iol.ie
BERGH, Stefan - Lecturer, National University of Ireland, Galway. Research interests: The Irish Neolithic with special references to the role of megalithic monuments, upland settlement and upland enclosures; Landscape archaeology; lithics; GIS applications.
E-mail: stefan.bergh@nuigalway.ie
BOLGER, Teresa, MPhil - Contract archaeologist based in Dublin. MPhil in medieval studies from UCD. Research interests include early medieval settlement, environmental history and the integration of archaeological and historical data.
E-mail: ephemerae@angelfire.com
BONSALL, James - Archaeological Geophysicist and Upland Surveyor, Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics, Prospect House, Drumagh, Claremorris, County Mayo. Tel +353 (0)94 936 2228, Mobile +353 (0)87 2427 846
E-mail: James@earthsound.net
BRADLEY, John - Lecturer, Department of History, St Patrick's College, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Special interests: the archaeology of Ireland c.500-c.1600 AD; urban archaeology; crannogs; death and burial in the middle ages; bibliographical material relating to Irish archaeology.
E-mail: JBradley@ailm.may.ie
BRADLEY, Liam - Archaeologist. Monaghan County Museum. Monaghan Town, Co. Monaghan.
E-mail: lbradley@monaghancoco.ie
BRADY, Dr. Niall - Special interests: mediaeval agriculture and underwater archaeology.
Latest three publications: Latest three publications: Exploring Irish Medieval Landscapes. The Discovery Programme's Medieval Rural Settlement project, 2002-2008 (Dublin 2003); 'The gothic barns of England: icons of Prestige and authority', in E. Smith and M. Wolfe (eds.) The Cathedral, the Mill, and the Mine: essays in Medieval Technology (Ashgate 1997: 76-105) ; 'De Oratorio: hisperica famina and church-building', Peritia 11(1997) : 327-335.
Current projects include: Agrarian Practices in Late Medieval Ireland
Current Positions: Director of the Discovery Programme's Medieval Rural Settlement Project; Director of The Archaeological Diving Company Ltd.
Address: 2 Vale Terrace, Lower Dargle Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Phone/Fax +353 1 286-7825.
E-mail: niall@discoveryprogramme.ie; nbrady@adco-ie.com
BREEN, Colin - Colin Breen: Lecturer, Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Ulster. Research Interests include the archaeology of shipwreck, looking at maritime cultural landscapes and submerged cultural resource management.
E-mail: cp.breen@ulst.ac.uk
BROWN, David M. - experimental officer in the Palaeoecology Centre, Queen's University, Belfast. Specialises in dendrochronology (tree-ring dating) of modern, archaeological and prehistoric oak and pine trees.
E-mail: d.brown@qub.ac.uk
BROWN, Tammy Macenka - Masters student at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. My thesis will be on the Nature and Status of Celtic Women. It will look at high status burials of the la Tene period as well as cemeteries on the Continent, Britain and Ireland in an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the role of women within the greater context of Celtic society. I am also interested in the Irish mytho-literary tradition and the historical sources as a means of interpreting the archaeological material. One of my main areas of interest is Ireland during the Iron Age.
Website: www.angelfire.com/mn/antiquarian
E-mail: TMACENKA@worldnet.att.net
BYRNE, Gretta - Manager of Céide Fields Visitor Centre for Dúchas. Research interests include Neolithic landscapes and archaeology of blanket bogs.
E-mail: gbyrne@ealga.ie
CALVERLEY, Andrew - PhD research student at the University of Bradford, Department of Archaeological Sciences. Involvement in Irish Archaeology has been as a lithic analyst. M.A. research was a comparison of Mesolithic - Neolithic reduction strategies using collections at the National Museum of Ireland. Current research is studying the nature of contact between Ireland and Scotland during the Mesolithic and its possible implications for the Neolithic Transition.
E-mail: A.L.H.Calverley@Bradford.ac.uk
CAMP, Stacey - First year Ph.D. student at Stanford University interested in Irish heritage and tourism studies.
E-mail: scamp@stanford.edu
Judith CARROLL & Company Ltd - An archaeological consultancy based in Dublin, specialising in excavation, site assessments, EIAs and monitoring schemes. Website: www.judithcarrollandco.ie. and email judithc@iol.ie
Website: www.judithcarrollandco.ie/
E-mail: judithc@iol.ie
CARROLL, Miriam - Licenced Archaeologist based in County Cork. Undertakes all types of archaeological projects including excavation, monitoring and archaeological impact assessments. Also carries out reports on medieval and post-medieval artefacts (metal, stone and bone).
E-mail: archmiriam@eircom.net
CASSIN, Bryce - undergraduate University of Sydney, Australia. Interest in early medieval Irish church from the perspective of church history and settlement archaeology. Working on the relationship between settlement topography, material culture and theology. Also interested in Irish cultural identity in the modern period.
E-mail: bcassin@mail.usyd.edu.au
CAULFIELD, Prof. Séamas - Lecturer, University College, Dublin. Research interests: The archaeology of early farming practices; agricultural activities with special reference to domestic milling; fossil landscapes preserved under bogs.
E-mail: CeideSC@ucd.ie
CAVINESS, Alys - Professor of Anthropology, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA. Interest: Irish place-names and mythological references, combined with GIS technology to identify distribution patterns for sacred sites and the identification of potential significant archaeological locations.
E-mail: dimitraalys@insightbb.com
CAWLEY, Sean, BSc PhD FICI MNYAS - Recently retired as Head of the School of Science at the Institute of Technology Carlow.I have a substantial amount of data on Irish Round Towers and will now expand my work in this area to include the associated churches.
E-Mail: seanandval@eircom.net
CHANNING, John - Consultant archaeologist specialising in Environmental Impact Studies and pre-development investigations.
Website: www.jchanning.com/
E-mail: J_Channing@compuserve.com
CHAPPLE, Robert M. - professional field archaeologist and co-editor of the Internet Journal of Irish Archaeology.
E-mail: rmchapple@hotmail.com
COLDRICK, Bryn - Having spent several years working in the area of Environmental Impact Assessment for two major archaeological consultancy companies, I am now establishing a freelance copy-editing service for Irish archaeologists.
E-mail: bryncoldrick@bigpond.com
COLLINS, Aisling - Marine Archæologist with HSE 4 and HSE 3 Commercial Diving qualifications. BA Archæology and Greek and Roman, UCD, Ireland; MA in Marine Archæology, St Andrews University, Scotland.
E-mail: ashcollins@hotmail.com
COLLINS, Tracy - Archaeologist, Director of Aegis Archaeology Ltd. (see Aegis Archaeology Ltd. for contact details)
CONWAY, Malachy - Regional Archaeologist (NI) The National Trust. Broad research interests including prehistoric settlement & material culture, early medieval Ireland, buildings and garden archaeology.
E-mail: malachy.conway@nationaltrust.org.uk
COONEY, Dr. Gabriel - Lecturer, University College, Dublin. Research interests: Irish Neolithic settlement patterns; stone axe studies; megalithic tombs with special reference to their social role; theory and practice in archæology; archæology as a heritage resource.
E-mail: GCooney@indigo.ie or CooneyG@macollamh.ucd.ie
COSTA, Kelli Ann, PhD - Professor of Anthropology, special interests in Bronze and Iron Age Ireland, heritage site marketing and tourism development. Editor, Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, Department of Anthropology, Franklin Pierce College, Rindge, NH 03461, U.S.A.
Telephone: (603)899-4207. Fax: (603)899-4324
E-mail: costaka@fpc.edu (office); costaka@earthlink.net (journal).
COTTER, Eamonn - Freelance archaeologist based in Co. Cork. Wide range of experience in excavation and surveying. Main interests are the archaeology of medieval Ireland and the archaeology of buildings, particularly churches and tower houses.
E-mail: eamonncotter@eircom.net
COYNE, Frank - Archaeologist, Director of Aegis Archaeology Ltd. (see Aegis Archaeology Ltd. for contact details)
Ua CROININ, Risteard - .Director of Clare Archæological Services. Editor of The Other Clare - Journal of the Shannon Archæological Society. Conducting The Clare Tower House Survey (c.220 sites) in conjunction with The Office of Public Works (Duchas). Restored Dysert O'Dea Castle, now housing The Clare Archæology Centre. Restoration Consultant.
E-mail: uacroinin.ennis@eircom.net
CROSS, Sarah - Lecturer in landscape in the Humanities section, School of Business Studies, Dundalk Institute of Technology. Interests: Landscape archæology, MBA barrow cemeteries in Limerick.
E-mail: Sarah.Cross@dkit.ie or sarah.cross@oceanfree.net
CUMMINS, Thomas - Ph.D. student and tutor at University College Dublin researching the archaeology of anthropogenic soils, including coastal sanded plaggen soils and medieval deep topsoils.
E-mail: thomas.cummins@ucd.ie
CUMMINS, Tony - Archaeologist with Aegis Archaeology Ltd. (see Aegis Archaeology Ltd. for contact details)
DALY, Aoife - Working in Copenhagen on dendrochronology, dealing with late prehistoric and historic material.
E-mail: nnu-ad@palais.natmus.min.dk
DALY, Cathy - Arch Con Labs Ltd. All aspects of archaeological and museum object conservation.
E-mail: conservation@mglarc.com
DAVID, Philip - Department of Anthropology, University of Idaho: Researching the late Mesolithic origins of the Irish Passage Tomb Tradition and related topics.
E-mail: phildavid@eircom.net
DELANEY, Shane - Archaeologist with Irish Archaeological Consultancy Ltd. Interests include Irish prehistoric lithics and raw material resourcing within the Irish landscape. Other interests include death and burial in the post-medieval period.
E-mail: Shane_Delaney@Ireland.com
DEVLIN, Kate - PhD student at University of Bristol, undertaking research on high fidelity reconstructions in archæology.
Website: www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~devlin
E-mail: devlin@cs.bris.ac.uk
DONAGHY, Caroline Velzian - Archaeologist, North Munster Project [see GROGAN, Eoin]
E-Mail: cdonaghy@islc.net
DORAN, Linda - Director, Heritage Consultants of Ireland, Undertaking Post-Graduate research in Medieval Settlement. Provide 3d Maps, Contour mapping, Site and Building Surveys, Audit and assessment of archaeological and genealogical indices.
E-mail: lbdoran@iol.ie
DORNAN, Dr. Brian - Researching and mapping the prehistoric landscape of the islands off Co. Mayo. Archaeologist and Local Historian. Currently Chief Executive of the Airfield Trust in Dublin. Preparing a second volume on the Inishkea Islands - the archaeology of the islands.
E-mail: brian@airfield.ie
DOWD, Dr. Marion - part-time lecturer and researcher, Dept. of Archaeology, U.C.C. and Project Manager,Eachtra Archaeological Projects. Specialist interests: the archaeology of Irish caves; non-megalithic funerary practises in the Neolithic; gender archaeology.
E-mail: mariondowd@eircom.net
DUNNE, Laurence - Archaeologist, Eachtra Archaeological Projects (see below).
E-mail: info@eachtra.ie
EACHTRA ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROJECTS - is an archaeological services partnership established in 1996 in the south of Ireland. We have offices in Kerry, Cork and Waterford but operate throughout Ireland. The range of services offered varies from EIS, through excavation and into post-excavation analysis of ecofacts. See our web page at www.eachtra.ie for details.
E-Mail: info@eachtra.ie
EARTHSOUND ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOPHYSICS - National and International archaeological geophysics unit based in Ireland. We provide an economical, efficient, friendly and professional service, utilising our specialist knowledge of archaeo-geophysics, topographical and geodetic surveys and upland archaeology to bring you a competitive and experienced all-in-one surveying unit, available for commercial and academic surveys and consultancy. We have undertaken a large amount of geophysical and topographical work on national road projects, quarries and residential and commercial developments as well research and rescue archaeology.
Visit our website at www.earthsound.net, email Survey@earthsound.net, or direct your carrier pigeons to Earthsound, Prospect House, Drumagh, Claremorris, County Mayo.
ELLIOTT, Ian S. - MA in Physics (TCD), MSc in Archaeological Prospection (Bradford), BA (Hons) Archaeology and Geography (NUI), Director and Senior Archeo-Geophysicist at Irish Geophysical and Archaeological Surveys Ltd.
E-mail: ianselliott@eircom.net
ELLIOTT, Ruth. - Consultant archaeologist based in Co. Dublin. Provides archaeological mitigation for various projects on sites of all types. Carries out archaeological excavation, assessment, testing and monitoring.
E-mail: ruth@dagda.ie
EOGAN, James - Project Archaeologist with the National Roads Regional Design Office, Tramore House. Oversees the archaeological element of national roads projects in Counties Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford. Address: Tramore House, Pond Road, Tramore, Co. Waterford. Telephone: (051) 390 130, fax: (051) 390 699.
E-mail: jeogan@thrdo.com
FARRIMOND MacMANUS Ltd. - We are an Ireland-wide consultancy combining a range of professional archaeological and geospatial services. Archaeological services include archaeological project management, archaeological impact assessment, pre-development testing/monitoring, excavation and post excavation, historical background/research, heritage management. Geospatial services include Land/Topographic surveys, building surveys, 3D laserscanning, GIS project management, GIS data collection, GIS data management and analysis, GIS and Survey training and support.
Address: 150 Elmvale
Co. L'Derry BT48 8SL.
Tel/Fax: + 44 28 71358005 (Derry) +44 28 90650483 (Belfast); Mob: +44 7766528279 (Ciara MacManus), +44 7790001396 (Chris Farrimond).
E-mail: info@farrimondmacmanus.co.uk
Web: www.farrimondmacmanus.co.uk
FENWICK, Joe, MA MIAI - specialises in the area or archaeological survey and geophysics and is currently employed as Field Officer in the Department of Archaeology, NUI, Galway. Prior to this appointment he worked in the commercial sector as an archaeological consultant trading under the name ArchaeoLogical. He has assisted in a number of major research projects including the ArchaeoGeophysical Imaging Project (NUI,Galway), The Tara Survey (The Discovery Programme Ltd.) and Knowth excavations (UCD).
E-mail: joe.fenwick@nuigalway.ie
FEWER, Greg - Lectures in communications to full-time commercial computing students and in local archaeology to evening students at Waterford Institute of Technology. PhD research student in history at NUI Maynooth, where he has also lectured in medieval Irish history for the BA (Local and Community Studies) course. Research interests in women and property in medieval and early modern (post-medieval) Ireland, early ecclesiastical archaeology, the archaeology of the Great Famine, the use of historical documents as an archaeological resource, archaeological bibliography, and the archaeology and history of Counties Waterford and Kilkenny.
Website: www.geocities.com/gregory_fewer/
E-mail: gfewer@hotmail.com or gfewer@wit.ie
FINAN, Dr. Thomas - Adjunct Lecturer, Departments of History and Religious Studies, Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Research interests include the archaeology of medieval Gaelic settlement, the ideology of the nation in medieval Ireland, bardic poetry, and the historiography of medieval Ireland.
E-mail: tjfinan@mindspring.com
FINLAY, Dr. Nyree - Lecturer in Archaeology, University College Cork. Research interests: European prehistory; the Palaeolithic, the Mesolithic in Great Britain and Ireland; lithic analysis; gender and archaeological theory.
E-mail: star8029@ucc.ie
FITZPATRICK, Dr. Liz - Lecturer, University College Galway. Research interests: medieval settlement, particularly in the archaeology of the medieval church, and Gaelic inauguration and assembly sites in Ireland and Scotland.
E-mail: elizabeth.fitzpatrick@ucg.ie
FORSYTHE, W. - Research Officer in the Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Ulster. Interests include the archaeology of shipwrecks and mapping the underwater resource through GIS. Also the archaeology of the intertidal zone and the coastal landscape.
Address: Centre for Maritime Archaeology, School of Environmental Studies, University of Ulster, Coleraine BT52 1SA, Co. Derry, N. Ireland.
Telephone:01265 323094
Website of Centre for Maritime Archaeology: www.ulst.ac.uk/faculty/science/crg/cma.htm
Website of Network for Underwater Archaeology www.ulst.ac.uk/faculty/science/crg/nua/nua.htm
E-mail: W.Forsythe@ulst.ac.uk
GeoArc Ltd - An Irish geophysical consultancy company based in Galway and specialising in archaeological geophysics.
E-mail: info@geoarc.ie
GIVEN, Anne - archaeologist with Environment and Heritage Service: Built Heritage (DoENI), much involved with NI Sites and Monuments Record and Archaeology and Planning in NI. Interested in understanding and protecting the historic landscape and townscape.
E-mail: annie.given@doeni.gov.uk
GLEESON, Caitriona, MA - Specialist in medieval and post-medieval leather artefacts.
E-mail: catgleeson@yahoo.co.uk
Margaret GOWEN & Co. Ltd. (Dublin) - Archaeological Project Management, Planning and Development Consultancy.
E-mail: archaeology@mglarc.com
Website: www.mglarc.com/
GRIDPOINT SOLUTIONS Ltd. an all ireland company specialising in 3 Dimensional Laser Scanning, Geodetic Surveying (using Global Position Systems) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for the heritage, engineering and construction sectors.
7 Bathgate Drive, Belfast, Northern Ireland BT4 2BA. Tel: 07803903384 / 07815055196
E-mail: info@gridpointsolutions.com
Website: www.gridpointsolutions.com
GROGAN, Eoin - Director of Lake Settlement Project, Discovery Programme.
E-mail: eoin@discoveryprogramme.ie
HAGEN, Ines - Associate, North Munster Project.
E-mail: ines@discoveryprogramme.ie
HALL, Mark E. - Niigata Prefectural Museum, Sekiharacho 1, Gongendo 2247-2, Nagaoka-shi 940-2035, Japan. My 1992 Ph.D. dissertation (University of California at Berkeley) was entitled Irish and Hiberno-Norse Ironworking. My interest is in the Bronze and Iron Ages of Ireland.
E-mail: markhall@gol.com
HAMOND, Fred - Industrial archaeologist.
E-mail: fred.hamond@lineone.net
HANLEY, Ken - Project Archaeologist with the National Roads Office, in Cork. My task is to oversee the smooth running of the archaeological component of national road projects, across Co. Cork. Project archaeologists are involved throughout the design process, from Constraints Studies to Construction. Address: National Roads Office, Richmond, Glanmire, Co. Cork.
Tel: (021) 4821046 Mobile: 086 6014734 Fax: (021) 4866209.
E-mail: k.hanley@corkrdo.ie
HARTWELL, Barrie - Senior Research Officer, School of Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen's University, Belfast. Main interests include site location by aerial photography and geophysical survey, excavation, photography, experimental archaeology and the Departmental Museum of which he is curator.
E-mail: b.hartwell@qub.ac.uk
HAYDEN, Alan - Archaeological Projects Ltd are Claire Walsh and Alan Hayden. Consultants and excavators. Interests include the archaeology of medieval towns, castles, early medieval ecclestiastic sites and early medieval rural settlement and landscapes.
E-mail: archprojects@eircom.net
HAYES, Avril - Senior archaeologist with Aegis Archaeology Ltd. (see Aegis Archaeology Ltd. for contact details)
HICKS, Ronald - Professor, Department of Anthropology, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 47306. Irish research interests: pre-Christian (Neolithic to conversion) sacred sites, religion, and mythology; sacred landscapes; use of geographic, archaeological, and folkloristic/early literature data in conjunction to shed light on these topics. Current research involves use of a geographic information system and dindshenchas database to seek patterns relevant to an understanding of site location.
E-mail: rhicks@bsu.edu and ronhicks@yahoo.com
HULL, Katherine L. - Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto and Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of Rural Ireland. Involved in excavations of 19th century villages near Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. Interests include agricultural methods and "improvement," historic ceramics and the role of women in pre-Famine society.
E-mail: hidden.ireland@sympatico.ca
IRISH ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONSULTANCY - An archaeological consultancy based in Dublin.
E-mail: archaeology@iarchc.com
Website: www.iac.ie
IRISH GEOPHYSICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEYS (IGAS) LTD. - A Dublin- and Cavan-based consultancy, providing archaeo-geophysical and EDM survey services to the commercial, public and academic sectors of the archeological industry.
E-mail: igas@crds.ie
Website: www.crds.ie/igas
IUART - the Irish Underwater Archaeological Research Team is a group of archaeologists and sports divers, established in 1990 with the aims of investigating and promoting responsible attitudes towards the underwater cultural heritage. IUART runs the Nautical Archaeology Society training scheme in Ireland and typically conducts several underwater archaeology projects on a volunteer basis every year. Admission is open to all, including non-divers. More information from the Hon. Sec., Mary Rose Murphy, mrm99@oceanfree.net
JOHNSON, Dr. Ruth - City Archaeologist, Dublin City Council. Address: Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Telephone: 01-6722780, 086-8150029.
E-mail: ruth.johnson@dublincity.ie
JOHNSTON, Susan A. - PhD thesis on Irish rock art. Currently working on the final report of Dun Ailinne. Based in George Washington University, Washington DC.
E-mail: sjohnsto@gwu.edu
JONES, Dr. Andrew - Lecturer, University College, Dublin. Research interests: Neolithic Britain and Ireland; theoretical archaeology; material culture and cultural identity.
E-mail: Andrew.Jones@ucd.ie
JONES, Iestyn - Postgraduate student at the University of Wales college, Newport. Currently researching 'The use of social space in the early Medieval houses of Ireland and western Britain'. This geographical study area may shrink depending on the available evidence!
E-mail: iestyn.Jones@newport.ac.uk
KAVANAGH, Helen, MLitt - Field archaeologist based in the Dublin area. Interests include the production of medieval pottery in Ireland and medieval rural settlement.
E-mail: helensarahkavanagh@hotmail.com
KAVANAGH, Dr. Rhoda - Lecturer, University College, Dublin. Research interests: Early Bronze Age Ireland and Europe; Viking settlement; meso-American archaeology; the history of Irish Archaeology.
E-mail: RhodaKav@macollamh.ucd.ie
KEELEY, V.J. Ltd. - Archaeological consultancy specialising in Environmental Impact Assessments and pre-development site investigation.
E-mail: VJKeeley@compuserve.com
KEHOE, Helen - Freelance archaeologist in private sector pre-development archaeological assessments and resolution of mediaeval and post-mediaeval sites.
E-mail: hmkehoe@eircom.net
KEITH, Sian - Marine and Terrestrial Archaeologist with HSE Parts 4 and 3 Commercial Diving qualifications. MSc Archaeology Glasgow University, Scotland; MSc in Maritime Archaeology, University of Ulster, Coleraine.
E-mail: siankeith@hotmail.com
KELLY, Dr. Dorothy - Lecturer, University College, Dublin. Research interests Art history of the early Christian period in Ireland and Britain, and its background in Europe.
E-mail: Dorothy.Kelly@ucd.ie
KIELEY, Jacinta - Archaeologist, Eachtra Archaeological Projects (see above).
E-mail: info@eachtra.ie
KIERAN, Eoghan - Consultant underwater and terrestrial archaeologist.
E-mail: eoghan@mooregroup.ie
KILFEATHER, Annaba - Senior Research Archaeologist with the Lake Settlement Project, Discovery Programme. PhD on Neolithic and Bronze Age landscapes in mid-Leinster.
E-mail: Annaba@discoveryprogramme.ie
KILMURRAY, Liam - PhD student, University of Sheffield. Research interests: social archaeological analysis of megalithic passage-graves, Boyne Valley etc...mid Neolithic.
E-mail: prp98lk@sheffield.ac.uk
KIMBALL, Michael - University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ph.D. dissertation: The Lough Swilly Archaeological Survey: Investigations into the transition to the Neolithic in eastern County Donegal. Project combines a systematic regional ploughzone survey program with the analytical capabilities of a Geographic nformation System (GIS).
E-mail: mkimball@gwi.net
KONDRATIEV, Alexei - Instructor, Irish Arts Center, New York. Speaks all of the Goidelic and Brythonic tongues; knowledgeable in Ogham, Irish mythology and folklore, and Irish antiquities.
E-mail: AlexeiK@aol.com
LANE, Sheila, & Associates - Consultant Archaeologists specialising in Environmental Impact Assessments, pre-planning and planning assessments etc.
E-mail: sheila_lane@dol.ie
LENNON, Anne Marie - Consultant archaeologist based in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary S.R. etc.
E-mail: amarch@esatclear.ie
LITHIC RESEARCH is a one-man research facility carrying out basic and sophisticated analyses of lithic assemblages and their contexts. The unit was established in 1999 by Dr. Torben Bjarke Ballin. Specialist services are provided to archaeological units, universities and museums, tailoring approach and methodology to the specific lithic material, its research potential, and funding. Though based in Scotland, services are offered throughout the British Isles.
Address: Banknock Cottage, Denny, Stirlingshire FK6 5NA. Phone: 01324 840 968.
E-mail: please make initial contact by post.
LYNCH, Linda - Osteoarchaeologist with Aegis Archaeology Ltd. Analysis of all types of human remains including cremations (see Aegis Archaeology Ltd. for contact details)
LYNCH, Patricia - Consultant Osteoarchaeologist including analysis of both human (including cremations) and animal bones. I am also a licensed archaeologist.
E-mail: patricialynchmsc@eircom.net
LYONS, Susan BA, MSc - Environmental Archaeologist with Headland Archaeology Ltd. Specialist in plant macrofossil analysis, especially wood/charcoal, cereal and seed identification.
E-mail: headland@iolfree.ie
McALISTER, Deirdre - Ph.D student, Department of History,National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Current research is on the subject of women and children in Ireland between 500 and 1200 and theories of gender and age. Interests include Irish medieval settlement and burial, the early Christian period, early Irish church archaeology, gender theory, the Viking period in Ireland and Scandinavia, and the development of new methodologies for accessing children in the archaeological record.
E-mail: deirdremcalister@hotmail.com, deirdre.k.mcalister@may.ie
Address: 122 Kingsbry, Maynooth County Kildare.
Telephone: 00353 1 629 1385/ 087 779 8220.
McCARTHY, Margaret - Archaeological Services Unit, University College Cork. Excavation director and archaeozoologist. Research interests: medieval and post-medieval animal economy; fish and bird exploitation; particular commitment to methods of on-site environmental processing and recovery.
E-mail: MMcCarthy@archaeology.ucc.ie
McCLATCHIE, Meriel - PhD student in Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Research area: archaeobotanical material from Irish Bronze Age sites.
E-mail: m.mcclatchie@ucl.ac.uk
McCORMICK, Dr. Finbar - Lecturer, Queen's University, Belfast. My interests fall into two main areas. In the case of straight archaeology, I an concerned with the Early Medieval period in Ireland, especially in the economic basis to that society. I am especially interested in the ecomomics of Early Monasteries and am presently involved in palaeoenvironmental investigations of sites in the west of Ireland. My other interest is in zooarchaeology and I research in human exploitation of animals in all periods in Britain and Ireland.
E-mail: f.mccormick@qub.ac.uk
McDERMOTT, Conor - School of Archaeology, University College Dublin. Interests include wetland landscapes and chronology, waterfronts and other wooden structures, archaeological recording, publishing, illustration.
E-mail: mailto:conor.mcdermott@ucd.ie (work)
Mac DERMOTT, Jacqueline, M.A. - Consultant Archaeologist specialising in Environmental Impact Assessment, historical research and Irish/UK coin analysis from the Hiberno/Norse period to the present day.
E-mail: jackmacd@eircom.net
McDONALD, Theresa, M.A. - Course Director, Achill Archaeological Summer Field School, (www.achill-fieldschool.com) held annually in July-August in the Deserted Village, Slievemore, Achill Island, Co. Mayo. Author of ACHILL ISLAND, published March 1997.
E-mail: theresa@achill-fieldschool.com
McGARRY, Tiernan - PhD student in School of Archaeology, University College Dublin. Researching burials of the Irish Iron Age and transitional periods c. 800BC-AD600.
E-mail: tiernan.mcgarry@ucd.ie
McNEILL, Dr. Thomas - Lecturer in Archaeology, Queen's University Belfast. Interests include the High Middle Ages, early Romanesque churches in England and the Continent and, locally, the Ulster post-Medieval pottery industries.
E-mail: t.mcneill@qub.ac.uk
McQUEEN, Alison - Cork-based archaeologist specialising in archaeological survey with an interest in built heritage and architecture as well as excavation. Has a wide range of experience including Environmental Impact Assessments, pre-planning and planning assessments etc.
E-mail: mcqueen_alison@hotmail.com
McSPARRON, Cormac - I am a contract archaeologist working out of Belfast. My interests are wide ranging but in particular I am interested in mediaeval settlement in particular the material culture of the Gaelic Irish and their interactions with the Anglo Normans in the Middle Ages with emphasis on coarse pottery.
E-mail: james_cormac.mc_sparron@virgin.net
MALLORY, James P. - Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, Queen's University Belfast. Specializes in the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age of Europe, particularly the steppe; the Irish Neolithic; the origin and dispersions of the Indo-European peoples; and the interface between early Irish literary evidence and archaeology.
E-mail: j.mallory@qub.ac.uk
MapArc - A company based in Galway City, specialising in Pre-excavation Archaeological Survey, Archaeo-Geophysics and Pre- and Post-excavation survey, computing services, including Digitising, Digital Cartography, GIS and Databases and Catalogues. A comprehensive description of our services is available at www.maparc.com
E-mail: jamesmurphy@maparc.com, liamhickey@maparc.com, nickhogan@maparc.com, or info@maparc.com
MARTIN, Kevin, BA MPhil MIAI - Licensed Archaeologist based in Dublin. Interests include Early Medieval settlement, Underwater Archaeology (Training to HSE Part 3) and specialise in Viking archaeology and material culture.
E-mail: irisharch@gmail.com
METTERNICH, Wolfgang - HistoCom GmbH and lecturer at Frankfurter Akademie für Kommunikation und Design, Frankfurt a.M., Germany. Special interests: Castles, Tower-Houses, Military Architecture of Ireland, High Crosses and matters of the Middle Ages in Ireland in general.
E-mail: wolfgang.metternich@histocom.de
MOLLOY, Barry - PhD student, University College Dublin. My research area is Bronze Age warfare, with a strong focus on experimental methods of investigation. I have also excavated at many sites in Ireland and Greece, my primary geographical areas of interest.
E-mail: viacras@yahoo.com
MOLONEY, Colm - Director of Headland Archaeology Ltd based in Midleton, County Cork and also in Edinburgh. Available to undertake all forms of commercial archaeology.
E-mail: colm@headlandarchaeology.com
Website: www.headlandarchaeology.com
MONK, Michael A. - Lecturer in Archaeology, University College Cork. Research interests: Origins and development of agriculture; origins and development of cities; environmental archaeology; Romans; archaeobotany; early medieval economy and settlement; excavation recording.
E-mail: star8018@ucc.ie
MOORE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LTD. - Archaeological consultancy providing nationwide archaeological and environmental service, including EIS's, flora and fauna surveys, site assessments, excavation etc.
E-mail: info@mooregroup.ie
Website: www.mooregroup.ie
MOORE, Dermot G. - Freelance commercial and research archaeologist. Main research interests include Mesolithic and Neolithic archaeology, lithic technology, settlement structure and non-monumental ritual practices. Other research interests include the archaeology of early prehistoric warfare, early pyrotechnology and the geological sourcing of non-flint archaeological material, particularly quartz and rock crystal.
Email: dgmoore29@utvinternet.com
MOORE MARINE SERVICES - Underwater Archaeological, Environmental, Geophysical and Hydrographic Services.
Email: eoghan@mooregroup.ie
MOUNT, Charles - Archaeological Officer, The Heritage Council of Ireland.
E-mail: sec@iol.ie
MURPHY, Helen - contract archaeologist with the Environment and Heritage Service for Northern Ireland. I am responsible for the development and maintenance of the N.I.Sites & Monuments Record database (Access 97) and for disseminating data from the database to various Government bodies, agencies and other interest groups thoughout Ireland and the UK. I am also responsible for the creation and maintenance of a map-based SMR database and various sub-sets of this database on our computer mapping software, Maps in Action.
E-mail: helen.murphy@doeni.gov.uk
MURRAY, Dr. Emily - Research Fellow at Queen's University Belfast. Areas of interest include zooarchaeology and coastal economies, middens and settlements. Currently employed to work with Dr. Mark Gardiner on a project to examine The structural and social character of vernacular timber buildings in rural England and Wales between 900 and 1175 (www.qub.ac.uk/arcpal/buildings.htm, which is being funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
E-mail: e.v.murray@qub.ac.uk
NEWMAN, Conor - Lecturer, Dept. of Archaeology, University College, Galway. Research interests: late Iron Age Early Historic transition; Royal sites, particularly Tara (see Discovery Programme web site) and Raffin Fort, Co. Meath; decorative bronzework 4th-7th cents AD inclusive.
E-mail: conor.newman@ucg.ie
NICHOLLS, John - Archaeological Geophysicist with TARGET Archaeological
Geophysics. MSc Archaeological Prospection, Department Of Archaeological Sciences 1994-5. Specialist in a wide range of geophysical techniques for preliminary archaeological site assessment, including motorway route selection assessments, pipeline corridors, industrial and residential development.
E-mail: johnnicholls@fastmail.fm
NÍ GHABHLÁIN, Sinéad - Research Associate, UCLA. My research interests include the archaeology of the medieval church; medieval rural settlement; Gaelic Ireland in the later medieval period; social organisation; and regional-scale analysis in archaeology. Ph.D. dissertation (UCLA 1995) Church, Parish and Polity: the Medieval Diocese of Kilfenora. Currently directing research excavation of the medieval monastic site of Mainistir Chiaráin, Inis Mór, County Galway.
E-mail : sinead@cox.net
NÍ THÓIBÍN, Caoimhe- field archaeologist (BA Archaeology, U.C.C., worked with Aegis, Eachtra and the I.A.W.U.). Human bone specialist (MSc Forensic and Biological Anthropology, Bournemouth University).
E-mail: cnt@vodafone.ie
O'BRIEN, Dr Elizabeth - Consultant Archaeologist, specialising in Late Iron Age - Early Medieval burial practices.
E-mail: elobrien@eircom.net
O'BRIEN, Richard - Project Archaeologist with the National Roads Regional Design Office, Tramore House. Working for Waterford County Council on the archaeological element of national roads projects in Counties Tipperary, Kilkenny and Waterford.
Address: Tramore House, Pond Road, Tramore, Co. Waterford. Telephone: (051) 390 130, fax: (051) 390 699.
E-mail: robrien@thrdo.com
O'BRIEN, Dr. William - Lecturer, University College Galway. Research interests lie mainly in the area of early European metallurgy and specifically in all aspects of prehistoric settlement in south-west Ireland.
E-mail: william.obrien@ucg.ie
O'CARROLL, Ellen - Project Director for the excavation/mitigation and resolution of archæological sites on Bord na Mona bogs through ADS Ltd. Main research interest is wetland landscapes and their associated archæology. Specialist in the identification and analysis of wood and charcoal: reports include wood from excavations at Carrickfergus and Dublin (Werburgh St. & Exchange St.)
E-mail: eocarroll@ireland.com
O'CONNELL, Prof. Michael - Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit, Department of Botany, National University of Ireland, Galway. Pollen analyst with particular interest in reconstruction of post-glacial land-use, vegetation and climate history based on investigation of peats and lake sediments.
E-mail: michael.oconnell@nuigalway.ie
O'DOCHARTAIGH, Eavan - Archaeologist and Illustrator based in County Galway. Specialising in artefact illustration and also experienced in the production of Cultural Heritage sections for Environmental Impact Statements. Previous employers include The National Museum of Ireland and The National Museum of Iceland. Licentiate member of The Association of Archaeological Illustrators and Surveyors.
E-mail: eavanod@eircom.net
ODK Resources - osteoarchaeological consultancy based in Cork. We provide a range of analytical services covering the study of human and animal bones, from on-site assessment/excavation through to post-excavation analysis and publication. Phone: +353 87 969 6114.
E-mail: odk@vodafone.ie
Ó DONNABHÁIN, Barra - Lecturer in Archæology, University College Cork. Research interests: Bioarchæology; Physical anthropology; Human origins; Irish Bronze Age; The Celts and celticism.
E-mail: barraod@ucc.ie
O'DONOVAN, Edmond - Director of Archaeological Excavations, Margaret Gowen & Co. Ltd.
E-mail: eodonovan@mglarc.com
O DRISCEOIL, Coilin - Director of Kilkenny Archaeology, Heritage and Planning Advisors. Research interests include cave archaeology, the early human settlement of Ireland and medieval towns.
E-mail: kilkennyarchaeology@eircom.net
O'HARA, Deirdre - M.Sc. in Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton, Ph.D. candidate, Applied Geophysics Unit, NUI Galway. Thesis topic is applications of high resolution geophysics in archaeological site investigations underwater. Other, ongoing, interests include researching the evidence for European influences on contemporary Irish boat building traditions and interesting sports divers in identifying, recording and protecting archaeological sites underwater.
Address: Applied Geophysics Unit, NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland.
Telephone: work (+353 91) 524411 ext. 2310; mobile (+ 353 86) 841 2994; home (+353 91) 589419.
E-mail: Deirdre.Ohara@nuigalway.ie
O'HARE, Dr. Maria. B: - Freelance lithic specialist with several years experience producing post-excavation lithic reports for archaeological companies from all over Ireland. Main research interests are stone use throughout the Irish prehistoric period, the Irish Bronze Age and its chronology. I have a particular interest in the continued use of stone within the metalworking era.
E-mail: m.b.ohare@qub.ac.uk
O'KEEFFE, Dr. Tadhg - Lecturer, University College, Dublin. Research interests The archaeology of Ireland, Britain and Europe, 11th to 16th centuries AD; military and ecclesiastical architecture of the middle ages.
E-mail: Tok@macollamh.ucd.ie
O'LOUGHLIN, C.F. MD - University of Athens- Byzantine Hagiology. Corcomroe Abbey Hellenists. Maighastean Hedge School in Co Clare.
E-mail: telemed@eircom.net
Ó'MAOLDÚIN, Ros - Archaeological field director, Oxford Archaeology.
E-mail: rosomaolduin@hotmail.com
O'ROURKE, Daire - Regional Project Archaeologist with the National Roads Authority. My brief is to formulate policy and structures for the NRA in relation to archaeological issues, liaise with Duchas in relation to same, establish a nationwide consistency of approach to archaeological resolution vis-à-vis road schemes, review and standardise methods of recording of archaeological sites.
E-mail: dorourke@nra.ie
O'ROURKE, Moira - Freelance Archaeologist, currently MA student at University of Bristol studying Maritime Archaeology & History. Thesis includes analysis of recent finds of ship & boat timbers from excavations in Drogheda, Co. Louth. Interests include medieval shipping, ports and trade.
Email: moiraor@eircom.net
ORSER, Charles E., Jr. - Professor of Anthropology, Illinois State University and Adjunct Professor of Archaeology, National University of Ireland, Galway. Excavating early nineteenth-century tenant villages in the Strokestown area, County Roscommon.
E-mail: ceorser@ilstu.edu
O'SULLIVAN, Aidan - Lecturer, Dept. of Archaeology, University College, Dublin. Research interests: Early medieval settlement and landscape, European maritime and wetland archaeology, theoretical archaeology.
E-mail : A.OSullivan@ucd.ie
O'SULLIVAN, Jerry - NRA Project Archaeologist at Galway County Council. Interests include medieval church and settlement; best practice in archaeology; archaeological writing.
E-mail : jfosullivan@galwaycoco.ie
O'SULLIVAN, Dr. Muiris - Lecturer, University College, Dublin. Research interests: The Irish Neolithic and its European background.
E-mail: Mosulliv@macollamh.ucd.ie
PILCHER, Prof. Jon R. - School of Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen's University Belfast. A palaeoecologist with main interests in Holocene chronology, vegetation and climate change.
E-mail: j.pilcher@qub.ac.uk
POTTERTON, Dr. Michael - Works as a research archaeologist with the Discovery Programme on its Medieval Rural Settlement Project (www.discoveryprogramme.ie). He spent 18 months as Assistant Director on the excavations at Moynagh Lough Crannog (Co. Meath), and completed a PhD in NUI Maynooth on 'The archaeology and history of medieval Trim, County Meath'. He compiles an annual directory of information relating to archaeology in Oireachtas Eireann (the Irish Parliament) for the British and Irish Archaeological Bibliography
E-mail: michael@discoveryprogramme.ie
PROFESSIONAL POST-EXCAVATION SERVICES (P.P.S.)- Carries out finds conservation and storage, and site research. Drogheda-based, but operates throughout Ireland.
47 John St. Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland. Tel. +353-41-9872822.
E-mail: proxps@hotmail.com or eric@indigo.ie
QUATTLEBAUM, Jill - PhD candidate in ancient/medieval history, University of South Carolina. MA thesis in archaeology dealt with High Crosses in the landscape and ideology of early Irish Christianity.
E-mail: quattle@sc.edu
QUINN, Annette - Licenced Archaeologist based in County Cork. Undertakes all types of archaeological projects including excavation, monitoring and archaeological impact assessments. Also carries out reports on medieval and post-medieval artefacts (metal, stone and bone).
E-mail: annettequinn@eircom.net
RAFTERY, Barry - Professor of Archaeology, University College, Dublin. Head of department. Research interests: Iron Age Ireland and Europe; hill-fort studies; wetland archaeology.
E-mail: Barry@macollamh.ucd.ie or BRaftery@indigo.ie
RAMSDEN, Peter - Professor, Department of Anthropology, McMaster University, Canada. Survey work in the Barrow valley, particularly interested in the early prehistoric period.
E-mail: ramsden@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca
REILLY, Eileen, BA MSc Dip EIA MIAI. - Environmental archaeologist specialising in the study of insect remains from archaeological (wetland and urban) and palaeoecological deposits and their use in environmental reconstruction. Currently PhD student at Trinity College examining insect remains from woodland hollows in western and south-western Ireland.
E-mail: work: ereilly@tcd.ie home: eileenreilly@eircom.net
RILEY, Helen - Freelance Archaeological Illustrator & Surveyor. Full graphics service available as well as all aspects of archaeological illustration (including CAD), publication and exhibition design. BA (Hons) degree in Graphic Design and 13 years experience of working within archaeology and architectural surveying.
Email: Helen@mucklepartners.demon.co.uk
SAWYER, Jerry - PhD student at City University of New York, looking at subsistence practices during the Mesolithic and transition into the Neolithic in Ireland, especially on marine resources. Proxy climate data, seasonality of zooarchaeological remains, use of remote sensing especially on inundated sites and general utility indices for marine mammals are other areas of interest and involvement for me.
E-mail: Gsawyer905@aol.com or jaguar13@concentric.net
SCALLY, Cormac - Contract archaeologist based in Belfast. Interests focus on the built environment and include research, survey and interpretation of archaeological and industrial heritage sites and vernacular architecture.
E-mail: cscally@dial.pipex.com
SCALLY, G. - Freelance archaeologist engaged in pre-development and pre-conservation excavation. Areas of interest include the architecture, economy and cross slabs of Early christian sites most especially those along the western seaboard of Ireland; all aspects of Viking, Hiberno-norse and medieval settlement.
E-mail: gscally@gofree.indigo.ie
SEAVER, Matthew - Archaeological director with CRDS Ltd. Interests include Medieval rural settlement, Bronze-Age settlement, landscape archaeology and the construction of heritage.
E-mail: mattseaver@hotmail.com
SIBLEY, Jane T. - graphic anthropologist and "independent scholar"; Ph.D. dissertation on The Divine Thunderbolt and Related Religio-Folkloric Motifs. Western Europe and the Near East in which a segment presented Roman and Celtic/ Irish thunderbolt symbolism.
E-mail: jrsibley@snet.net
SMITH, Angele - PhD candidate in Amherst (Mass) studying the use of maps in Irish Archaeology
E-mail: angele.smith@anthro.umass.edu
STAFFORD McLOUGHLIN ARCHAEOLOGY - a Wexford-based archaeological consultancy providing a full, nationwide, archaeological service.
Address: Unit 4, Enniscorthy Enterprise Centre, Milehouse Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.
Tel. 054-39495; Fax. 054-39650.
E-mail: smarch@eircom.net
STUIJTS, Dr. Ingelise - Environmental archaeologist, since 1976 working on wood and charcoal from various archaeological settings (Carthage in North Africa, Satricum in Italy, Ilipinar in Turkey, various sites in Netherlands and Ireland). Also specializes in seeds and pollen. Working in Ireland as well as the Netherlands. Currently involved in the Lisheen Archaeological Project (Tipperary), West End and Back Lane in Dublin (with Margaret Gowen & Co.).
Thesis (1993): Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation of West Java, Indonesia. Various other publications. In 1996 translation of book on bog bodies Through Nature to Eternity by Dr. Wijnand van der Sanden from Dutch to Danish.
E-mail: woodarch@indigo.ie or i.l.m.stuijts@let.rug.nl
SWIFT, Dr Cathy - (D.Phil, Oxon 1994; Special interests: early medieval sculpture, placenames, history of the Ui Neill and cult of St Patrick; author of Ogam stones and the early Irish Christians (Maynooth 1997).
E-mail: catherine.swift@may.ie
TARGET Archaeological Geophysics - An experienced and professional geophysical prospection service for archaeologists, architects, consulting engineers, and property developers. Reconnaissance and mapping, gradiometry, resistivity, and electromagnetics. Motorway route selection assessments, pipeline corridors, industrial and residential development.
Website: www.targetgeophysics.ie
E-mail: johnnicholls@fastmail.fm
de TERRA-HARVEY, Paula - Archaeological consultant. Research interest: Viking Age amber.
E-mail: Paula_Harvey@compuserve.com
TIERNEY, John - Archaeologist, Eachtra Archaeological Projects (see above).
E-mail: info@eachtra.ie
TOBAR ARCHAEOLOGICAL SERVICES is a Cork-based consultancy which undertakes archaeological excavation, assessments, monitoring and surveying. We offer a nationwide service to both the public and private sector. Specialist services include Medieval and Post-medieval metal, stone and bone/antler artefacts.
Website: www.tobararchaeology.ie
E-mail: info@tobararchaeology.ie
TWOHIG, Dr. Elizabeth A. - Lecturer in Archaeology, University College, Cork. Prehistoric Europe, Britain and Ireland; history and theory of archaeology; origins of cities/civilization; rock art; megalithic tombs.
E-mail: eliz.twohig@ucc.ie
VEELENTURF, Kees - Art historian (medievalist). Interests: Insular art, especially early medieval sculpture, early Christian iconography (i.a. in connection with eschatology and apocalypticism). Publications include a book on early Irish eschatological iconography: Dia brátha: eschatological theophanies and Irish high crosses (Amsterdam, 1997). Publishes also on the history of Celtic Studies in the Netherlands.
E-mail: ca.veelenturf@planet.nl
WADDELL, John - Professor of Archaeology, University College, Galway. Research interests centre round prehistoric Ireland and its relationships with Great Britain and the Continent.
E-mail: john.waddell@ucg.ie
WALSH, Claire - Archaeological Projects Ltd are Claire Walsh and Alan Hayden. Consultants and excavators. Interests include the archaeology of medieval towns, castles, early medieval ecclesiastic sites and early medieval rural settlement and landscapes.
E-mail: archprojects@eircom.net
WARNER, Richard - Keeper of Archaeology and Ethnography at the Ulster Museum and researches on a wide front. Present obsessions include: the Romans and Ireland; the sourcing of Irish gold artifacts; the archaeology of St. Patrick; The archaeology of Irish kings; Irish mythology and archaeology; climatic catastrophes.... He would be glad to share opinions on any of these and more.
E-mail: r.warner.um@nics.gov.uk
WEBB, Oliver - PhD candidate at Sydney University, Australia, studying the figurative symbolism and morphology of the Irish High Crosses.
E-mail: havelock@cia.com.au
WELLS, Sharon - Freelance archaeological illustrator; artifacts, plans, buildings etc. Licentiate member of the Association of Archaeological Illustrators and Surveyors. Graphic design and draughting services also available.
E-mail: wells@archaeologist.com
WHITAKER, Jane, MA, MIAI - Wetland Projects Manager, ADS Ltd.
E-mail: j_whitaker@adsireland.ie
WILKINS, Brendon - Licensed field director with Headland Archaeology.
E-mail: Brendon@headlandarchaeology.ie
WILSON, Jacqueline - Research Postgraduate University of Bristol, exploring the relationship between Ireland and Britain during the 1st to 5th centuries AD.
E-mail: jw1270@bristol.ac.uk
WISE, Peter - Research Postgraduate in the Geography Department of the National University of Ireland in Galway applying a Geographical Information System (GIS) to mapping the extent of linear earthworks nominally lying on the southern border of Iron Age Ulster (circa. 100 BC) together with bogs and other natural barriers relating to border permeability in the Iron Age.
E-mail: peter.wise@nuigalway.ie
WOODMAN, Prof. Peter C. - Department of Archaeology, University College Cork. Research interests centre round Mesolithic Europe; Irish prehistory; history of archaeology.
E-mail: archdept@ucc.ie
Barr - Top