Cláraigh - Register
Bardaigh Clárithe - Registered Bardaigh
Fóram - Forum
Online Resources -
Líonláithráin - Websites
Ailt, Irisí agus araile - Articles, Journals etc.
Údarás Áitiúila agus Oifigigh Oidhreachta - Local Authorities and Heritage Officers
Riomhphoist Seandálaíochta - Archaeological E-Mail Directory
Irish Archaeology on the Internet: topographical list
Thaddeus Breen's excellent list of websites devoted to individual areas or sites, and some more general sites with local relevance
A site devoted to the ancient megalithic sites of Ireland with the aim to provide a concise, balanced and informative gazetteer of the tombs, standing stones, stone circles and many Early Christian sites throughout Ireland.
Images and information by Michael Fox on the megalithic sites at Newgrange, Dowth, Knowth, Loughcrew, Fourknocks and the Boyne Valley.
Images and information on a number of megalithic tombs, standing stones, stone circles and stone forts by Paola Arosio & Diego Meozzi
A guide to the ancient sites of western Ireland by Martin Byrne.
The Irish Quaternary Studies
Online Project
The Discovery Programme
The Discovery Programme is an archaeological research institution dedicated to investigating Ireland's past from earliest times and presenting the results to as wide an audience as possible
A nice website with Archaeological features listed by county.
Excellent site, an absloute must see.
Summary accounts of all the excavations carried out in Ireland – North and South – from 1970 to 2000.
An Chomhairle Oidhreachta - The Heritage Council
Website of the Heritage Council. Established as a statutory body under the Heritage act 1995, its role is to propose policies and priorities for the identification, protection, preservation and enhancement of the national heritage. National Heritage is defined as including monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects such as art and industrial works, documents and genealogical records, architectural heritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes, seascapes, wrecks, geology, heritage gardens, parks and inland waterways. The Council has a particular responsibility to promote interest, education, knowledge and pride in the national heritage
Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland
The Society was founded in 1849 in Kilkenny 'to preserve, examine and illustrate all ancient monuments and memorials of the arts, manners and customs of the past, as connected with the antiquities, language, literature and history of Ireland.'