Spring Day

Spring Day 2004

Role Play


Useful Links


Check out all the Schools involved this year on the Green Pages


Welcome to Spring Day 2005.

Spring Day itself will be celebrated on Thursday 17th of March, 2005. This is St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. However, Spring Day can be celebrated on any day in March.

Click here to go to the Spring Day 2005 website.

Please use this website to contact me if you need further information by clicking on the e-mail link on the left or at the base of this page.

There are a lot of new events planned including a Decision Making Role Play Game which will see three schools become the governing bodies of the European Union. In the Game these schools will have to decide upon a policy to be adopted throughout Europe.


[Spring Day 2004][Spring Day 2005]{Green Pages}[E.U. Role Play][Values][Useful Links][e-mail]