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The Skerries/Guichen Link (Events, 1996 - 1999)

June 1996
Skerries welcomed a group of 45 children and 7 leaders who spent six days, taking part in sports activities. The many events took place in unusually continuous sunshine.

March 1997
Holy Faith/de la Salle College received a group of 35 teenagers on a school exchange. They were accompanied by three teachers from College de St. Joseph, Guignen. Trips to Kilkenny and Newgrange were arranged, as well as daily attendance at school. An evening of Irish music and dancing marked the end of the event.

June 1997
25 students from the secondary school completed the second half of the school exchange programme.

July 1997
Three French boys from the Canton came to work for the summer in Skerries. Accommodation and the jobs were found for them by the Association.

August, 1997
Working with the Fingal Alliance and Fingal County Council, STTA organised a EUROFEST programme of events which took place from 14th-21st August. The highlight was the family day in Ardgillan Castle on Sunday 17th August. Visitors to the park were treated to exhibitions of Breton dancing, music and traditional games. An exhibition, organised by the European Commission, was held in the Castle, as well as displays from each of the twin towns.

September, 1997
Five delegates from Skerries participated in the Comice Agricole held annually in Bourg- des-Comptes. This is a large agricultural show and the Skerries group brought an impressive disply of local produce and photographs of the Fingal area.

June 1998
Eighteeen teenagers from Skerries, led by three adults, made the trip to Guichen , for a six-day programme of sport and fun activities.

March 1999
At the invitation of our French friends, a group of twenty-three people travelled from Skerries to Guichen to celebrate St. Patrick's weekend. We were particularly impressed by the warmth of their welcome. They had organised a Fest Noz (an evening of traditional Breton dancing and music). The Skerries group gave a display of Irish set dancing and our musicians added to the enjoyment of the evening.

September, 1999
A small group from Skerries visited the Canton from 10th-16th September to take part in "Agri-world" conference and exhibition .

1991-'3 . . . . 1994-'5 . . . . 1996-'9 . . . . 2000 -'1