SO00850A.gif (1566 bytes)Poems AN01344A.gif (2340 bytes)   Spells EN00522A.gif (994 bytes)Project HH01580A1.gif (1311 bytes)Stories PE01661A.gif (1977 bytes)Thoughts





Winter feels like a cold breeze on your face.

It looks like a soft blanket of snow on the ground.

It sounds like a gust of wind whistling through the trees.

It smells like hay being fed to the hungry farm animals.

It tastes like ice-cream and wafers

Thats what Winter is...............

By Ciara Walsh




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Little Robin Red Breast

Welcome little robin

As you sit on my sill

Peck the bread I give you

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And say goodbye.

Watch all the children

As they play in the snow

Now we eat the turkey

And play with our toys

So bye,bye,bye.

By Cathy Nolan




A Walk in December

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I love the winter months

November December January

And then the winter is over

When it comes to Febuary

Trees are bare in winter

And the leaves are on the ground

And every thing is getting colder

Theres not a leaf to be found

By Donal Mc Neela


The Nativity


On a cold dark night in December ,

Our Lord our God was born.

Only Mary , Jesus and Josoph ,

And the animals that breathe upon .


All the night was still ,

Except for one shining star .

That led the shepards to him ,

Though it was very far .


They saw him when they got there,

Lying in the crib ,

They each gave him a present ,

Of frankincence, silver and gold .


By Matthew Gallagher


A Winter Day

The trees blow in the cold breeze,

I walk outside and wheeze.

My breath is warm the air is cold,

The difference shows.

I stick a stick in my mouth,

A man walks by,

He gives me a smile,It's fake.

He must think I smoke,silly folk!

I spit out the stick,

For I feel sick.

I see the dirt on my dress,

I go to clean my face.

When I'm clean,I go out again.

I pick up the the stick,

I feel sick,

It's full of dirt and worms.

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