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Recently we had a music workshop where we listened and learned alot about Irish music and the characteristics of our music. Here is some of our work in this area.

"Anach Cuain"
Here is an example of an air/lament which is written in a minor/modal key.Many Irish melodies are written in these keys.They sound "sad" and that is what the writer of the air wanted to show as all these melodies are based on sad stories.

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Lots of Irish songs and tunes were written with much ornamentation. This means that there are lots of triplets added to the air to make it more interesting .These notes are played quickly so that the air remains in the proper time.They are shown as tiny notes.

The Harp History

There is lots of evidence to show that the Irish were the first people to use the harp.It was a very famous instrument in Ireland for centuries.It was very popular from 12th century to the 16th century.Everybody welcomed the harpers.The bards and the harpers were two distinct groups.The bards had alot of training in the school [bardic].Theirs verses were made up about marriages,deaths and victories.The rhapadists sang these poems with harp accompaniment.

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Drawn by Michael Groarke


The first instrument everyone learns seems to play is the Tinwhistle.The smallest Instrument to carry around is the mouth organ/Harmonica.Rob Thornburgh is a real good fiddle player.While mick Duffy can make music with the 6 & 12 string guitar.The mariatio make merry music with the Mandolin / mandola.The Steel Dobro has a real distinct sound ,The hammer dulcimer gives areal special effect to any piece of music . Turlough O Carolan composed for George Brabazon an old English Landlord who once lived in Swinford .Planxty is an old folk/ballard group who play lots the Instruments we have mentioned but the Chieftains have the widest variety of instruments.

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