Christmas Limericks

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While chasing a frisky young reindeer

I heard a loud raucous cheer

I took time to pause

To see old Santa Claus

Who'd lost Rudolph whose job was to steer.

by Aisling Clarke

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In a Christmas shopping spree,

A boy spent money with glee,

He bought hundreds of things,

(Some fit for kings)

And he piled them all around the tree

by Hugh Doyle



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 A young lad who liked to eat fish

Was granted a nice Christmas wish

His dad said, "Hey son

Look what I've done

I've cooked you a nice seafood dish".

by Lisa Byrne


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Three men from the East who were wise

Looked up to the twinkling skies

They saw a bright star

Shining down from afar

And led them to a babe's soft cries.

by Yvonne Chapman


There once was a merry old king,

Who thought that he could sing,

One day, feeling jolly

He swallowed some holly,

And now he can't sing a thing.

by Martin Dunne

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