The aims of the history curriculum are
- To develop an interest in and curiosity about the past
- To make the child aware of the lives of people in the
- To develop an understanding of the concepts of
continuity and change
- To provide for the acquisition of concepts and skills
associated with sequence, time and chronology
- To help the child recognise and examine the influences
of the past on the attitudes and behaviour of today
- To encourage the child to recognise how present
actions, events and materials may become significant historically
- To enable the child to acquire a balanced appreciation
of cultural and historical inheritances from local, national and global
Broad objectives
- The history curriculum should enable the child to
- Study a range of people and events in the past in order
to develop a balanced understanding of family, local, national and world
- Learn about the people, events, issues and cultural
experiences which have helped to shape the local community and environment
- Develop an understanding of chronology in order to
place people, events and topics in broad historical sequence
- Acquire an understanding of change and continuity
- Examine a range of historical evidence systematically
and critically
- Reconstruct elements of the past using evidence and
- Develop an appreciation of the perspectives and motives
of people the past
- Develop a sense of personal, local, national and
European identities through studying the history of local and other
- Develop a sense of responsibility for the preservation
of heritage
- Communicate historical understanding in a variety of
ways using appropriate language and other techniques and media
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