King Henry II
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King Henry II

King Henry II.jpgKing Henry II did not want Strongbow to become too powerful. He came to Ireland in 1171 to check things out. Strongbow agreed to be loyal to the King. The Irish bishops also agreed to be loyal because they thought that Henry II had been sent by the Pope. Henry never had to fight one battle in Ireland, and yet he was now “Lord of Ireland”.

The Normans Take Over Ireland

The Normans now set about taking over the whole country. Hugh de Lacy took over Meath. He built lots of castles in Meath. John de Courtney captured Ulster. He built a big castle in Carrickfergus. De Burgo took over Connacht. Fitzgerald and Butler took over Munster. In less than 100 years, the Normans had control of nearly the whole country.

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