The Manor Farm
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The Manor Farm

Manor House.jpgThe Lord of the manor kept the best land as his own farm. He rented the rest of the land to his serfs. The serfs did not pay rent for the land. They had to work for the lord on three days per week. The work was very hard. Some serfs were “freemen”. This meant that they had a right to stay on the land as long as they worked for the lord. Other serfs were “unfree”. They had no rights and they did the hardest work.


Punishments were very harsh. A thief might have his hand cut off. Murderers were hanged. A serf who poached or fought might be left in the stocks for hours.


The lord hunted. He also kept hawks. His wife and daughters did embroidery. The serfs practised archery. The boys liked to wrestle and played “blindman’s buff”. At night, the nobles played chess, draughts and a game of dice.

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