Norman Castles
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Norman Castles

Swords Castle.jpgFrom 1200, the Norman castles were built of stone. The lord lived in the keep. This part of the castle had very thick walls and narrow windows with no glass in them. There was a wall around the castle and a trench filled with water outside this wall. This trench was called the moat. Between the keep and the wall was the bailey. This was where the animals were and the stores of hay and corn.

Rooms in the Castle

The dungeons were down in the basement of the castle. On the ground floor were the kitchen and the guard room. The great hall was on the next floor. The great hall was used for work and for meals. At a big meal, the main food was meat. There were no potatoes. There were no forks so they used their fingers. They drank wine from big jugs. After a meal there was music or a show by jugglers or jesters. The chapel and the lord’s bedroom were at the top of the castle.

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