The Normans
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The Normans

Normans.jpgThe Vikings often attacked France. At last, the King of France said that he would give them some land in France if they stopped attacking the rest of it. The Vikings settled in this part of France, and it was called Normandy. These Vikings now became known as Normans.

Battle of Hastings

The Normans loved to fight. They were very good soldiers. They used crossbows and battle-axes. In 1066, Duke William of Normandy attacked England. He won a big battle at Hastings. He was now called William the Conqueror.

Norman Castles

The Normans built lots of castles in England and Wales. They were able to defend themselves from attack by retreating to the castles. The Normans had lots of problems in Wales because the Welsh attacked them very often. The Normans who came to Ireland had lived in Wales.

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