Normans in Ireland
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Normans in Ireland

Dermot McMurrough was King of Leinster. He was not a nice man. The High King, Rory O’Connor, did not like him, and he sent an army to burn down Dermot’s fort. Dermot went to France to get help to fight against Rory.

King Henry II.jpgKing Henry II

King Henry gave McMurrough permission to get help from his knights who lived in Wales. Strongbow agreed to help Dermot, but there was a price. Strongbow wanted to marry Aoife, Dermot’s daughter, and to become King of Leinster when Dermot died. Dermot agreed to this price.

The Normans Arrive

In 1169, 300 Normans landed in Wexford. They had armour and they were good bowmen. They helped Dermot to get his kingdom back.

Strongbow.jpgStrongbow Arrives

Strongbow arrived in Waterford in 1170. He attacked Waterford and lots of people were killed. He married Aoife in Waterford. The Normans then marched to Dublin and captured it.

Strongbow, King of Leinster

McMurrough died in 1171. Strongbow became King of Leinster. The High King, Rory O’Connor, attacked Dublin again and surrounded the city for 2 months. The Normans made a surprise attack and defeated Rory’s army. Strongbow was now in charge of Dublin

Norman Names

Fitzgerald, Roche, Fleming, Walshe, Taylor, Lowndes, Burke, Barry

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