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Christopher Columbus

Columbus.jpgChristopher Columbus was born in Genoa in Italy in 1451. He loved ships and he wanted to be a sailor when he grew up. He learned how to sail ships and he learned about maps. Columbus believed that the world was round, but lots of people thought that the world was flat. “I want to find a new way to India,” he said.

Queen Isabella

Santa Maria.jpgIsabella was queen of Spain. She gave him three ships, the ‘Santa Maria’, the ‘Nina’ and the ‘Pinta’.


Sailors were afraid to go with Columbus. He told them that they would find gold. At last, he got 90 sailors to sail with him.


On Friday, 3 August 1492, the ships sat sail, but they saw nothing for a long time. The sailors were afraid that they would fall off the edge. “We want to go home,” they said. Columbus saw birds. “We must be near land,” he said. “Stay with me for 3 more days.”


At last, they saw land. The men got into small boats and sailed to the shore. Columbus put on his best clothes and he carried the flag of Spain. He kissed the ground. “This land belongs to Spain,” he said. He was near America. He found the New World

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