Raymond Kolbe
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Raymond Kolbe.jpgFather Raymond Kolbe

Raymond Kolbe was born in Poland in 1894. He became a priest when he grew up. Hitler’s army invaded Poland. Father Kolbe helped Jews whose homes had been taken from them. In 1941, he was arrested. He was put in the concentration camp at Auschwitz.


AuschwitzFather Kolbe was made to work very hard. One day, he fell when he was carrying a load of wood. The guard beat him up, and Father Kolbe was not able to work too well. He was only given a small bit of food each day.

An Escape

One day, a prisoner escaped. The man in charge said that he would kill ten prisoners as a punishment. The ten men were picked. One man cried out that his wife and children would have nobody to look after them.


Father Raymond said that he wanted to take this man’s place. “Are you mad?” asked the commander. “No, but I am alone in the world,” said Father Raymond. “OK,” said the commander. Father Raymond and the other nine men were left in a dark cell to die.

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