Florence Nightingale
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Florence Nightingale

Florence Nightingale.jpgFlorence Nightingale was born in Florence in Italy in 1820. Her parents came back to England when she was young. She helped people who were sick. One day she went to a hospital. It was very dirty. The nurses did not know how to look after the sick people.

Florence Becomes a Nurse

Florence wanted to become a nurse. Her parents did not like the idea, but Florence had made up her mind. She trained to be a nurse in Germany and France. She came to England and she worked in a hospital in London.


A war started between Russia and England. Most of the fighting took place in the Crimea. The hospital in the Crimea was filthy. There were not enough doctors. There were not enough beds or blankets. Wounded men were left lying on the floor.

Florence in Crimea

Florence and some nurses went to the Crimea. They cleaned the hospital and they looked after the injured men. Florence was called “The Lady of the Lamp” because she walked through the hospital each night carrying a small lamp.

After the War

Florence came home after the war and started a nursing school in 1860. she was ninety years old when she died in 1910.

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