Irish Revival
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GAA.jpgA New Pride in Ireland

In the 1880s, many Irish people began to be interested in the Irish language and in Irish customs. The GAA was set up in 1884 to organise football and hurling. Fingallians was set up shortly after this. The first All-Ireland final was played in 1887.

Irish Language

Douglas Hyde.jpgBy the end of the 1800s, Irish was only spoken in the West of Ireland. Douglas Hyde was afraid that the Irish language would die out altogether. He set up the Gaelic League in 1893. Many people started to learn Irish dances and to read Irish books.

The Dublin Lock Out

James Larkin.jpgThings were still very bad for the poor people. James Larkin and James Connolly started a trade union. In 1913, 25,000 people in Dublin were put out of their jobs because they had joined a union. There was violence in the streets between the strikers and the police. In the end, the strikers had to go back to work because they had no money and no food.

Home Rule Again

Edward Carson.jpgThe Irish people nearly got home rule in 1914. The Protestants in the North of Ireland did not want home rule. Their leader, Edward Carson, said that they would fight if there was home rule. In Dublin, an army had also been formed to fight for home rule. It seemed that the two parts of Ireland would be fighting each other. Then, the First World War started. This put an end to talk about home rule for a while.

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