War & Independence
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World War I.jpgWar and Independence

The War between Britain and Germany started in 1914. It went on for 4 years. Over a quarter of a million Irishmen fought in the war.

Plans for a Rising

Roger Casement.jpgMost Irish people supported Britain in the war, but some saw that the war gave a chance for Ireland to gain its freedom from Britain. Roger casement went to Germany to get guns and ammunition. The Rising was to happen on the Easter weekend, 1916. The ship with casement aboard was captured, and he was arrested.

The 1916 Rising

Patrick Pearse.jpgSome wanted to call off the Rising, but others such as Patrick Pearse and James Connolly wanted to go ahead. About 1,000 men marched through the streets of Dublin and took over many of the buildings. They made the General Post Office their headquarters and they put the tricolour up outside the building.

End of the Rising

1916.jpgAt first, the British were taken by surprise. Then, they sent troops over from England. The fighting went on for 5 days. A gunboat was brought up the Liffey and it fired shells into O’Connell Street. By Saturday, the centre of Dublin was in ruins. Pearse and his men surrendered. The British government sentenced the leaders to death. 15 of them were shot. Casement was hanged.

Sinn Féin

De Valera.jpgMany Irish people did not support the rising, but they were shocked when they heard that the leaders had been killed. The Sinn Féin party got lots of support because of the killings. Sinn Féin members of parliament would not go to England, but they set up their own parliament in the Mansion House in 1919. They called it Dáil Éireann. Éamonn de Valera was its first leader and Michael Collins took charge of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). There was fighting for nearly 2½ years until both sides agreed to stop.

Irish Free State.jpgThe Irish Free State

After a lot of talking and arguing, between the Irish and the British, it was agreed that Ireland would have its own parliament. It would be called the . However, 6 counties in the north of Ireland would remain under British rule.

Civil War

Michael Collins.jpgMany people were upset that the whole country was not free from British rule. Irish people now started to fight among themselves. This was called a Civil War. Michael Collins was killed in Cork. Over 6,000 people were killed in the fighting.

Irish Republic

Douglas Hyde.jpgThe first Irish government lasted for 10 years. Then Éamonn de Valera’s party (Fianna Fáil) came into power in 1932. In 1937, many of the links with Britain were cut. A president, Douglas Hyde, was elected to take the place of the King of England as head of state. In 1949, Ireland became known as the Republic.

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