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Deirdre.jpgFelim was a man who made up stories for King Conor. Felim’s wife had a baby girl called Deirdre. One of the priests said that Deirdre would grow up to be a beautiful woman. He also said that she would bring death and sorrow. Conor’s soldiers wanted to kill the little girl, but King Conor said no. He would look after her.

Deirdre Grows Up

Deirdre grew up to be a beautiful woman. She met a man called Naoise and she fell in love with him. King Conor also wanted to marry Deirdre. Naoise and Deirdre made a plan to run away to Scotland

The Party

King Conor was very angry. He made up a plan. He sent a man to Scotland to tell Naoise and Deirdre that they could come back to Ireland. He would not hurt them. He invited them to a party.

The Battle

When Conor saw Naoise and his brothers, he had them killed. Deirdre was very sad. She fell on Naoise’s sword and died. Fergus was a friend of Naoise. He was very angry. He got his soldier’s ready and burned Conor’s fort to the ground. His army then had a big battle with Conor’s army. Lots of people were killed.

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