Fionn Mac Cool
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Fionn Mac Cool

Fionn Mac Cool.jpgThe Fianna was a band of warriors who guarded Ireland. The leader of the Fianna was Cumhal. He was killed in battle by Goll. Goll became the new leader of the Fianna. Cumhal had a son called Fionn. His mother was afraid that Goll would kill Fionn so she sent him away to be brought up by two wise women.

Fionn as a Boy

Fionn learned how to track wild animals. He learned how to use a spear and a sword. He learned how to use a shield. After a while, Goll sent men to find Fionn and to kill him.


Fionn was sent to the house of Finnéigeas, a poet. The house of Finnéigeas was near the River Boyne. Finnéigeas spent every day fishing. He was trying to catch a salmon. It was said that the first person to taste this fish would know everything.

The Salmon of Knowledge

One day, Finnéigeas caught the salmon. He asked Fionn to cook it. He told Fionn not to taste it. Fionn cooked the salmon very carefully. When he was turning the salmon to cook the other side, his thumb got burned. He put his thumb in his mouth to take away the pain.

Fionn Becomes Wise

Fionn brought the salmon to his master. His master knew that Fionn was different. “You have tasted the Salmon of Knowledge,” said Finnéigeas. From then on, Fionn could tell what was going to happen by sucking his thumb. Soon after he left Finnéigeas because he was no longer afraid of Goll.

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