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Long ago people thought that there was a land where people never grew old. In this land, the trees were always green and the flowers were always in bloom. This land was called Tír na nÓg, the land of the Young.

Oisín and Niamh

Niamh.jpgOne day, Oisín and Fionn were out hunting. They met a beautiful girl and she was riding a white horse. The girl stopped to talk to Fionn, and she said that her name was Niamh. She wanted Oisín to come back to Tír na nÓg with her. Fionn was sad because he knew that he would never see his son again. Oisín said that he wanted to go to Tír na nÓg.

Oisín in Tír na nÓg

Oisín and Niamh went to Tír na nÓg. They got married. After 300 years which only seemed like 3, Oisín said that he wanted to go back to Ireland. Niamh was sad. She gave him a white horse and told him not to get off the horse or he would never get back.

Oisín Comes Back to Ireland

Oisín came back to Ireland. Everything was changed. His families and friends were all dead. One day, he saw men trying to lift a stone. He stopped to help them. He lifted the stone with one hand, but the saddle strap broke and he fell to the ground. A great change came over Oisín. He got older and older. He was now a very weak, old man.

The Death of Oisín

Oisín was very sad. He just talked about the old days when he hunted and played music and listened to stories. His only wish was to die so that he could meet up again with his great friends and his family. Oisín was brought to see St. Patrick. St. Patrick baptised Oisín. He died shortly after being baptised.

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