Saint Brigid
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Saint Brigid

St. Brighid's Cross.jpgBrigid was born in County Louth. Her father was a chieftain and her mother was a slave. When she was young, Brigid worked on the farm, and she did jobs in the house. She was very kind to poor people. She gave them food, clothes and milk. Her father was not pleased with this and sold her as a slave to the king.

Brigid Becomes a Nun

She was waiting at the King’s fort. Her father was talking to the King. She met a beggar and gave away her father’s sword. Her father was unhappy. The King liked Brigid, and he told her father that Brigid should not be a slave. Brigid made up her mind to become a nun. She built convents all over Ireland. The most famous convent was at Cill Dara. Cill Dara means the “Church of the Oak”. This Church was where the town of Kildare is today.

Stories about Brigid

Brigid was looking for land for her convent in Kildare. A chief told her that she could have as much land as her cloak would cover. She put her cloak on the ground, and it just grew and grew and grew. It covered lots and lots of land, and this is where the Curragh is today.

The Chief who would Not Listen

Another story is told about the chief who would not listen to Brigid. The chief was dying and Brigid just sat beside his bed, and she made a cross out of the rushes which were on the floor. The chief asked her what she was doing. She said that she was making a cross because it was on a cross that the Son of God died. The chief was now interested and she told him about Christ. The chief became a Christian before he died.

More about St. Brigid

In many Irish homes, a cross made of rushes is hung up on St. Brigid’s Day, 1 February. This cross is called St. Brigid’s Cross. St. Brigid’s Cross used to be part of the logo for RTE.

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