Saint Colmcille
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Saint Colmcille

Round Tower, Swords. jpgColmcille was born in County Donegal. He was not given the name of Colmcille when he was baptised. He used to pray a lot and his friends called him Colmcille (the dove of the church). He left home to study. He became a priest.

Colmcille the Monk

He started his first monastery in Derry. He also started monasteries in Kells and Durrow. In 560 he came to Swords, and picked a site for his monastery. This site is where St. Columba’s Church is today.

The Story of the Book

One day, Colmcille visited his friend, Finian. Finian had a lovely book. Colmcille asked him could he make a copy of the book. Finian said no. Colmcille made a secret copy of the book. Finian found out and he had a row with Colmcille. They went to the King and asked him who should own the copy of the book. The King said that it belonged to Finian.

Colmcille Leaves Ireland

Colmcille was very angry. He got an army and fought with the King. Lots of people were killed. Colmcille was upset. He left Ireland and said that he would never come back.

Colmcille on Iona

Colmcille went to Iona in Scotland. He stayed there for over 30 years. He died in 597. His feast day is on 9 June.

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