The Vikings
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The Vikings

Viking.jpgThe Vikings were great fighters. They left their own country to search for riches. They sailed in longboats and attacked other countries. They robbed and burned and killed. Then they went home again.

Attacks on Monasteries

The Vikings started to attack Ireland about 795. One of the first places which they attacked was the monastery on Lambay near Swords. They killed monks and robbed gold and silver vessels that were in the church, they came again and again to Ireland for the next two hundred years.

An Attack

The people built round towers. The doors were off the ground so they had to use a ladder to get in. The monks hid the gold and silver vessels in round towers. They also kept food and water in the tower.

The Round Tower in Swords

The Round Tower in Swords was built about the end of the ninth century. Now the door is only about ½ a metre off the ground. There are four big openings near the top of the tower. There is a cross at the top of the Round Tower. This was put there many years after the tower was built.

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