Junior Infants
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  • The work in Information Technology with pupils in Junior Infants   revolves around introducing computers formally to children. It is firmly rooted to the content of specific software, which in turn must be closely matched to their class work. When the software content exceeds the normal expectations for this level, we consider it an advantage, since it provides the quicker pupils with an opportunity to progress at their own pace. This individualised learning is a feature which we value and computers have made its development possible and easy
  • The children can manipulate the mouse to move a pointer on the screen, left click to select something or make something happen, click, hold and drag left button to move an icon or object.
  • The children can double click to open an application as well as exit
  • The children can recognise when an application is not responding and signal for help.

The following software titles will be used for Junior Infants, because they are easily taught and correlate closely with the curricular content in these classes.


Preliminary digital paint utility. The children are taught how to use the free hand pencil, the straight line pencil, the rectangular tool, the circle tool, spray can, fill can and eraser. The resultant works of art can be printed in landscape.

Circus 1

Interactive informal maths problem solving. Sequential levels of difficulty, good programming



The ICT coordinator will deliver tutorials to teachers, if they are unsure about any of the content above.

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