Strand Unit: Classifying
The child should be enabled to:
1. |
Classify objects on the basis of one attribute such as
colour, shape, texture or size
- sort collections of objects
- add similar objects to a clearly defined set
2. |
Identify the complement of a set (elements not in a set)
- categorise objects such as things I like /dont like
- red things / things that are not red
3. |
Match equivalent and
non-equivalent sets using one to one correspondence
- match pairs of identical objects
- match pairs of related objects
- match equivalent and non-equivalent sets to
establish the concepts of more than, less than, enough, as many as
4. |
Compare objects according to length, width, height, quantity,
thickness or size
- introduce concepts long, short, longer, shorter
5. |
Compare sets without counting
6. |
Order objects according to length or height
7. |
Order sets without counting
8. |
Count the numbers of objects in a set, 1 10
9. |
Count the objects in a set, 0 -20
Comparing and ordering
10. |
Compare equivalent and non-equivalent sets 1 5 by matching
without using symbols more than, less than, the same as
11. |
Compare equivalent and non-equivalent sets 0- 10 by matching
12. |
Name the inequality: I have 2 more than you; 3 is less than 5
13. |
Order sets of objects by number, 1-5
14. |
Order sets of objects by number 0 -10
15. |
Use the language of ordinal number: first, last
16. |
Use the language of ordinal number: first, second, third,
Analysis of number
17. |
Explore the components of number, 1-5
- identify the ways in which the numbers can be modelled
using concrete objects: 4 and 1
- identify pairs of related facts: 1 and 2 is the same as
2 and 1
18. |
Explore the components o number, 1 -10
19. |
Combine sets of objects, totals to 5
20. |
Combine sets of objects, totals to 10
21. |
Partition sets of objects, 1-5
- partition sets of objects with a pencil or straw to
show component parts
- record pictorially
22. |
Partition sets of objects, 0 10
23. |
Use the symbols + and = to construct word sentences involving
24. |
Develop an understanding of the conservation of numbers, 1
25. |
Develop an understanding of the conservation of numbers 0 -10
26. |
Read, write and order numerals, 1 5
27. |
Read, write and order numerals, 0 -10
28. |
Identify the empty set and the numeral 0
29. |
Tell at a glance the number of objects in a set, 1-5
30. |
Tell at a glance the number of objects in a set 2-10
31. |
Solve simple oral problems, 0 5
32. |
Solve simple oral and pictorial problems, 0 -10
Extending patterns
33. |
Identify, copy and extend patterns in colour, shape and size
34. |
Identify, copy and extend patterns in colour, shape, size and
number (3 4 elements)
35. |
Discover different arrays of the same number how many
different patterns of 10 can you make?
36. |
Recognise patterns and predict subsequent numbers
2,3,4,___, 6, 7; 10, 9, __, __, 6.
Spatial awareness
37. |
Explore, discuss, develop and use the vocabulary of spatial
awareness over, under, up, down, on, beside, in
38. |
Explore, discuss, develop and use the vocabulary of spatial
awareness above, below, bear, far, right, left
39. |
Moving in straight / curved lines, in a circle, finding own
3-D shapes
40. |
Sort 3-D shapes, regular and irregular
41. |
Sort, describe and name 3-D shapes: cube, cuboid, sphere and
cylinder; edge, corner, face, straight, curved, round and flat
42. |
Combine 3-D shapes to make other shapes
43. |
Solve tasks and problems involving shape
2-D shapes
44. |
Sort and name 2-D shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle
45. |
Directed sorting of 2-D shapes on the basis of different
criteria round /not round; thick / thin, side
46. |
Make shapes with art straws
47. |
Use suitable structured materials to create pictures
48. |
Combine and divide 2-D shapes to make larger or smaller
49. |
Draw shapes found in environment
50. |
Solve problems involving shape
51. |
Give simple moving and turning directions
52. |
Develop an understanding of the concept of length
53. |
Discuss objects in the environment: long/short / tall
/ wide / narrow / longer / shorter / wider than
54. |
Compare and order objects according to length or
55. |
Identify: as long as / as wide as / longest / shortest
56. |
Estimate and measure length in non-standard units
57. |
Select and use appropriate non-standard units to
measure length, width and height
58. |
Present simple problems
59. |
Develop an understanding of the concept of weight
through exploration and use of appropriate vocabulary: heavy /light ; heavier
/lighter ; balance /weigh
60. |
Compare objects according to weight
61. |
Estimate and weigh in non-standard units
62. |
Select and use appropriate non-standard units to weigh
63. |
Present simple problems
64. |
Develop an understanding of the concept of capacity
through exploration and the use of appropriate language: full / nearly full;
empty/ holds more /holds less/ holds as much as
65. |
Compare containers according to capacity
66. |
Estimate and measure capacity in non-standard units
67. |
Select and use appropriate non-standard units to
measure capacity
68. |
Present simple problems
69. |
Develop an understanding of the concept of time
through exploration and the use of appropriate language: morning/evening/night /
day / lunchtime /bedtime / early /late/ days of the week /school days /weekends
70. |
Use yesterday / today / seasons /soon / not yet
71. |
Discuss significant events, festivals and holidays
72. |
Sequence daily events or stages in a story
73. |
Make scrapbooks of `My Day
74. |
Read time in one-hour intervals
75. |
Recognise and use coins up to 5 cent
76. |
Recognise coins up to 20 cent and use coins up to 10 cent
77. |
Use correct vocabulary: cost /price /cheap / expensive
/change /too much /too little
78. |
Solve practical tasks and problems using money
79. |
Sort and classify sets of objects by one criterion
shape, colour, size, texture and function
80. |
Sort and classify sets of objects by two criteria
81. |
Match sets, equal and unequal enough / more / as many as
/ less
82. |
Represent and interpret a set of simple mathematical data
using real objects, models and pictures
83. |
Represent and interpret data in two rows or columns using
real objects, models or pictures
84. |
Discuss the need for a common baseline
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