First Class
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Strand: Living Things

Strand Unit: Myself

The child should be enabled to:

Variety and characteristics of living things

  • Name and identify external parts of the male and female body
  • Become aware of the role of each sense in detecting information
  • Recognise and measure physical similarities and differences between people

Human life processes

  • Recognise that all living things grow
  • Recognise that physical growth has taken place since birth

Strand unit: Plants and animals

Variety and characteristics of living things

  • Observe, discuss and identify a variety of plants and animals in local  habitats in the environment
  • Develop some awareness of plants and animals from wider environments

Processes of life

  • Appreciate that living things have essential needs for growth

Strand: Energy and forces


  • Recognise that light comes from different sources
  • Recognise that light is needed in order to see


  • Recognise and identify a variety of sounds in the environment


  • Become aware of different sources of heat energy

Magnetism and electricity

  • Use magnets of different shapes and sizes
  • Investigate the fact that magnets attract different materials
  • Investigate that magnets attract certain materials through other materials


  • Explore forces such as pushing and pulling

Strand: Materials

  • Observe and investigate a range of familiar materials in the immediate environment
  • Describe and compare materials, noting the differences in the colour, shape and texture

Materials and change

Heating and cooling

  • Explore the effects of heating and cooling on a range of liquids and solids
  • Become aware of and investigate the suitability of different kinds of clothes for variations in temperature
  • Explore ways in which liquids and solids may be kept hot or cold

Strand: Environmental awareness and care

Caring for my locality

  • Identify, discuss and appreciate the attributes of the local environment
  • Observe and develop an awareness of living things in a range of habitats in local and wider environments
  • Observe similarities and differences among plants and animals in different local habitats
  • Begin to recognise that people, animals and plants depend on each other

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