Aims of Science Education
- To develop knowledge and understanding of scientific
and technological concepts through the exploration of human, natural and
physical aspects of the environment
- To develop a scientific approach to problem-solving
which emphasises understanding and collective thinking
- To encourage the child to explore, develop and apply
scientific ideas and concepts through designing and making activities
- To foster the child’s curiosity and encourage
independent enquiry and creative action
- To help the child to appreciate the contribution of
science and technology to the social, economic, cultural and other
dimensions of society
- To cultivate an appreciation and respect for the
diversity of living and non-living things
- To encourage the child to behave responsibly with
regard to the environment, and to promote sustainable development
- To enable the child to communicate ideas, present work
and report findings using a variety of media
Broad objectives
The science curriculum should enable the child to:
- Develop an interest in and curiosity about the world
through the exploration of living and non-living things
- Develop an knowledge and understanding of scientific
ideas through the study of living things and environments in which they live
- Develop a scientific approach to problem-solving
- Develop and apply constructive thinking in scientific
- Understand the application of some basic scientific
ideas and concepts in everyday situations
- Apply and use scientific knowledge, skills and
resources in designing and making tasks
- Communicate and record observations, evidence and
results of experiments using a variety of oral, written and graphical forms
and other media
- Explore the environmental repercussions of human
actions on physical, natural and human environments
- Understand the interdependence of living things and
their environments
- Became involved in the discussion, exploration and
resolution of environmental issues
- Understand and apply a safety code in scientific and
technological investigation and activities
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