Second  Class
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Strand: Living Things

Strand Unit: Myself

The child should be enabled to:

Human life processes

  • Identify some requirements for growth and development in the human
  • Begin to identify the main phases of the human life cycle
  • Use all the senses to become aware of and explore environments

Strand unit: Plants and animals

Variety and characteristics of living things

  • Recognise and describe the parts of some living things
  • Group and sort living things into sets according to certain characteristics

Processes of life

  • Explore through the growing of seeds, the need of plants for water and heat
  • Investigate how plants respond to light
  • Understand that seasonal changes occur in living things and examine the changes
  • Become familiar with the life cycles of common plants and animals

Strand: Energy and forces


  • Investigate the relationship between light and materials
  • Recognise that the sun gives us heat and light
  • Become aware of the dangers of looking directly at the sun


  • Explore ways of making different sounds using a variety of materials
  • Design and make a range of simple percussion instruments


  • Learn that temperature is a measurement of how hot something is
  • Measure and compare  temperatures in different places in the classroom, school and environment

Magnetism and electricity

  • Explore the effects of static electricity
  • Become aware of the uses of electricity in school and at home
  • Become aware of the dangers of electricity


  • Become aware of and explore how moving water and moving air can make things move
  • Observe and investigate the movement of objects such as toys on various materials and surfaces
  • Investigate how forces act on objects

Strand: Materials

  • Begin to distinguish between natural and manufactured materials
  • Group materials according to certain criteria
  • Identify and investigate materials that absorb water and those that are waterproof
  • Begin to explore how different materials may be used in the construction of homes suited to their environments

Materials and change

Mixing and other changes

  • Begin to investigate how materials may be changed by mixing
  • Investigate the characteristics of different materials when dry and wet

Strand: Environmental awareness and care

Caring for my locality

  • Realise that there is both an individual and a community responsibility for taking care of the environment
  • Identify, discuss and implement simple strategies for improving and caring for the environment
  • Identify and help to implement simple strategies for protecting, conserving and enhancing the environment
  • Become aware of ways in which the environment can be polluted or harmed

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