Third and Fourth Classes
Throughout their science investigations, the children
should be aware of and encouraged to adopt safe practices. They should adopt
safety procedures in designing and making tasks, particularly when they are
using tools and instruments.
Working scientifically
- Ask questions about animals and plants, familiar
objects and events in the immediate environment
- Ask questions that may lead to immediate investigations
- Ask questions that will help in drawing conclusions and
interpreting information
- Observe and describe natural and human elements and
process in the immediate environment
- Observe and describe characteristics such as the shape,
size, colour, pattern, texture, sound and smell of familiar things in the
- Offer suggestions based on observations on the likely
results of the investigation
Investigating and experimenting
- Collect information and data from a variety of sources
- Design, plan and carry out simple investigations
- Identify one or two obvious variables relating to the
- Realise that an experiment is unfair if relevant
variables are not controlled
Estimating and measuring
- Measure, compare and record mass, weight, capacity,
time and temperature using appropriate standard units of measurement and
simple equipment
Sorting and classifying
- Sort and group data on people, events and natural
phenomena using a range of appropriate criteria
- Sort and present data in sets and subsets
Recognising patterns
- Look for and recognise relationships when making
- Select appropriate observations that fit a pattern
- Interpret information and offer explanations
- Draw conclusions from suitable aspects of the evidence
Recording and communicating
- Record and present findings and conclusions using a
variety of methods
Designing and making
- Explore a wide range of everyday objects and how they
- Explore freely how a range of shapes, objects and other
constructions can be made using a variety of materials
- Explore how some objects might be improved or adapted
- Recognise that people like certain characteristics of
objects but not others, and investigate the reasons for these
- Recognise the need to change or adapt an object or
- Work collaboratively to create a design proposal
- Communicate and evaluate the design plan using
sketches, models and ICT
- Make a range of simple objects to solve practical
- Develop craft-handling skills and techniques
- Use appropriate tools
- Use a range of materials
- Recognise that modifications may have to be made
throughout a task
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the new product and
suggest modifications
- Evaluate the work of peers and propose modifications
Strand: Living things
Strand unit: Human life
Variety and characteristics of humans
- Become aware of the names and structure of some of the
body’s major external and internal organs
Human life processes
- Develop an awareness of the importance of food for
energy and growth
- Understand the physical changes taking place in both
male and female during growth to adulthood
- Become aware of and investigate breathing
- Explore and investigate how people move
Strand unit: Plant and animal life
Variety and characteristics of living things
- Observe, identify and investigate the animals and
plants that live in the local environment
- Develop an increasing awareness of plants and animals
in the wider environment
- Observe and explore some ways in which plant and animal
behaviour is influenced by, or adapted to, environmental conditions
- Sort and group living things into sets according to
observable features
- Use simple keys to identify common species of plants
and animals
- Understand that plants use light and energy from the
- Come to appreciate that animals depend on plants and
indirectly on the sun for food
Processes of life
- Become aware of some of the basic life processes in
- Investigate the factors that affect plant growth
Strand: Energy and forces
Strand unit: Light
- Learn that light is a form of energy
- Recognise that light comes from different natural and
artificial sources
- Investigate that light can be broken up into different
- Investigate the relationships between light and
- Investigate how mirrors and other shiny surfaces are
good reflectors of light
- Recognise that sun gives us heat and light
- Be aware of the dangers of looking directly at the sun
Strand unit: Sound
- Learn that sound is a form of energy
- Recognise and identify a variety of sounds in the
- Understand and explore how different sounds may be made
by making a variety of material vibrate
- Design and make a range of simple string instruments
- Explore the fact that sound travels through materials
Strand unit: Heat
Learn that heat can be transferred
Recognise that temperature is a measure of how hot
something is
Measure changes in temperature using a thermometer
Measure and compare changes in different places in the
classroom, school and environment
Understand that the sun is the Earth’s most important
heat source
Identify ways in which homes, buildings and materials are
Strand unit: Magnetism and electricity
- Learn that magnets can push or pull magnetic materials
- Explore how magnets have poles and investigate how
poles can attract or repel
- Explore the relationship between magnets and compasses
- Examine and classify objects and materials as magnetic
and non-magnetic
- Explore the effects of static electricity
- Observe the effects of static electricity on everyday
things in the environment
- Learn about electrical energy
- Investigate current electricity by construction simple
- Examine and group materials as conductors or insulators
- Become aware of the dangers of electricity
- Explore how objects can be moved
- Explore how some moving objects can be slowed down
- Explore the effect of friction on movement through
experimenting with toys and objects on various surfaces
- Investigate falling objects
- Explore how levers may be used to help lift different
- Investigate the pushing force of water
Strand: Materials
Strand unit: Properties and characteristics of
- Identify and investigate a range of common materials in
the immediate environment
- Recognise that materials can be solid, liquid or
- Describe and compare materials, noting the differences
in colour, shape and texture
- Distinguish between raw and manufactured materials
- Group materials according to their properties
- Investigate how materials may be used in construction
Strand unit: Materials and change
Heating and cooling
- Explore the effects of heating and cooling on a range
of liquids, gases and solids
- Investigate the suitability of different kinds of
clothes for variations in temperature
- Experiment to establish which materials are conductors
of heat or insulators
Mixing and other changes
- Investigate how materials may be changed by mixing
- Investigate the characteristics of different materials
when wet and dry
- Examine the changes that take place in materials when
physical forces are applied
- Explore some simple ways in which materials may be
Strand: Environmental awareness and care
Strand: Environmental awareness
- Identify positive aspects of natural and built
environments through observation, discussion and recording
- Identify the interrelationship of the living and
non-living elements of local and other environments
- Become aware of the importance of the Earth’s
renewable and non-renewable resources
- Recognise how the actions of people may impact upon the
- Come to appreciate the need to conserve resources
Strand unit: Science and the environment
- Begin to explore and appreciate the application of
science and technology in familiar contexts
- Identify some ways in which science and technology
contribute positively to the environment
- Recognise and investigate human activities which have
positive or adverse effects on local and wider environments
Strand unit: Caring for the environment
- Examine a number of ways in which the local environment
could be improved
- Identify and discuss a local, national or global
environmental issue
- Realise that there is a personal and community
responsibility for taking care of the environment
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