Strand: Myself
Strand Unit:
The child should be enabled to:
- Discuss and appreciate all the features
that make a person special and unique
- Begin to understand, appreciate and
respect personal abilities, skills and talents
- Recognise and record personal
- Become aware of his immediate world
through the senses
- Express own views, opinions and
- Become more self-reliant and independent
- Begin to learn how to cope with various
changes as they occur
Making decisions
- Identify some
everyday choices made by himself and those that are made by others
- Begin to develop some awareness of
factors that may influence decisions or choices taken
Strand Unit: Taking care of my body
Knowing about the body
- Appreciate the need, and understand how
to care for his own body in order to keep it healthy and well
- Respect his own body and that of others
- Name parts of the male and female body
using appropriate anatomical terms
- Explore and discuss the different things
that the body can do
- Recognise and practise basis hygiene
- Realise that each individual has some
responsibility for taking care of himself
Food and nutrition
- Become aware of the importance of food
for growth and development
- Explore food preferences and their role
in a balanced diet
- Discuss and explore some qualities and
categories of food
- Realise the importance of good hygiene
when preparing food to eat
Strand Unit: Growing and changing
As I grow I change
- Identify some of the factors that
promote growth
- Realise that growth and change are part
of the process of life
- Recognise that the ability to take
responsibility for himself and others increases as he grows older
- Become aware of new life and birth in
the world
- Develop an awareness of human birth
- Identify what babies need to help them
to grow and develop
Feelings and emotions
- Name a variety of feelings and talk
about situations where these feelings may be experienced
- Explore the variety of ways in which
feelings are expressed and coped with
- Begin to be sensitive to the feelings of
- Explore and discuss occasions that can
promote positive feelings in himself
Strand unit: Safety and protection
Personal safety
- Explore appropriate personal safety
- Identify situations and places that are
safe and those where personal safety might be at risk
- Realise how other people can persuade
him to engage in unsafe behaviour
Safety issues
- Identify people who are responsible for
safety in the community and learn and practise safety strategies for crossing
the road, using a bus or being a pedestrian
- Realise and understand that rules are
necessary in order to protect people and keep them safe
- Explore how accidents can be prevented
at home, in school, on the farm or in the water
- Realise that many substances used at
home or in school are dangerous
- Identify some of the substances or
things that are put onto the body and their associated functions
- Explore occasions when medicines,
injections or pills are needed and the safety rules that apply when taking
Strand: Myself
and others
Strand Unit: Myself and my family
- Identify and name the people who
constitute a family and appreciate that not all family units are the same
- Realise that he belongs to a family and
each person has a role within the family
- Explore the things that families do
- Realise how families take care of,
support and love each other
- Explore and acknowledge many of the
things that can be learned at home
Strand unit: My friends and other people
- Identify, discuss and appreciate his
- Discuss and examine different aspects of
- Identify and appreciate friends at
school and how they can help and care for each other
- Discuss and appreciate all those
considered special, both within and outside the family circle
- Recognise and appreciate differences in
people and know how to treat others with dignity and respect
- Recognise and explore bullying
behaviour, who is involved and the effects on different people
- Know that bullying is always wrong, and
know what should be done if one is being bullied or sees it happening to someone
Strand unit:
Relating to others
- Listen and respond to the opinions and
views of others
- Use verbal and non-verbal behaviour to
perform social functions
- Practise care and consideration,
courtesy and good manners when interacting with others
- Resolve conflicts with others
Strand Unit: Myself and the wider world
Strand unit:
Developing citizenship
My school community
- Recognise the name of his own school and
the people who contribute to life in the school
- Realise that each person is important
and has a unique contribution to make to the class
- Recognise the importance of sharing and
co-operating and being fair
- Realise and understand the necessity for
adhering to class and school rules
- Explore and respect the diversity of
children in the class and school
Living in the local community
- Recognise and appreciate people or
groups who serve the local community
and become familiar with the rules within a group or wider
- community, those who safeguard these
rules and the importance of obeying rules
- Suggest ways of helping other people at
home, in school or in the local community
- Recognise that each person has an
important contribution to make to the life of the community
- Become aware of local identity and to
participate in and enjoy local events
Environmental care
- Appreciate the environment and realise
that each individual has a community and individual responsibility for
protecting and caring for the environment
Strand unit: Media education
- Realise that he receives information
from many sources
- Identify favourite television
programmes, videos and video games
- Begin to use and explore the various
kinds of information technology available
- Begin to explore and talk about the
difference between advertisements and programmes
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