CanadaIn 1772 he returned to Ireland and then he returned to New York where he married Janet Livingstone. Later on he went back to the army and was ordered with Benedict Arnold to go on an expedition against Canada. In 1775 Montgomery went to Canada with 2,000 troops who were hungry and tired. They captured Montreal as a base. Richard Montgomery was killed at the Battle of Quebec on the 31st of December 1775. He was the highest ranking soldier to be killed. Montgomery, Alabama is called after him, and there are 18 other towns or counties in the US with the name Montgomery. Home ¦ Class Photographs ¦ Dates for Diary ¦ General Interest |Information ¦ Local History ¦ Newsletters ¦ Our Work ¦ Sporting Activities ¦ Useful Links ¦ Web Safety |
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