March 2009

Home Up


Post Primary Transfer

Most of the pupils in 6th Class have now obtained places for September 2009 in post primary schools. If parents wish to send their son to Coláiste Choilm, it is essential that they apply as soon as possible because a waiting list system is used. For Fingal Community College and St Finian’s Community College, applications are made when the boys are in 6th Class.

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Duty of Care

This is a reminder with regard to the commencement of the School’s Duty of Care. It is important to bear in mind that parents are responsible for their children prior to 8.50 a.m. The Duty of Care for the school does not commence until 8.50 a.m.

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Applications for Places in Junior Infants, 2009

60 places have been allocated and there is also a waiting list.  If a boy is not taking up a place, it is essential that you inform Mrs M. Mc Gee at (01) 8405132 as soon as possible so that places can be re-allocated.

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The taking of class photographs will occur during the first week back in school after the Easter vacation. Please ensure that your son has his full uniform on each day except the PE days

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To the parents who have assisted with transport to matches and athletic events

To the parents who have assisted with supervision at swimming

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Well done

To the soccer and Gaelic football teams on their recent performances

Coaching in soccer and Gaelic games coaching will re-commence as soon as we return to school after the Easter vacation

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The amount collected at Christmas for Bóthar was €500. There will be a non-uniform on Friday, 3 April. If parents wish to make a voluntary contribution of €1, the proceeds will be sent to Bóthar.

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Dates for Diary

Thursday, 30 April: Staff Meeting at 1.30 p.m.

Thursday, 28 May: Staff Meeting at 1.30 p.m.

Friday, 5 June: Elections (school closed)

Monday, 15 June: Planning Day (school closed)

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Holiday Arrangements

The school will close at 12.00 sharp on Friday, 3 April. On a number of occasions in the recent past, parents have forgotten that the school is closing at 12.00. 

The school will re-open at 8.50 a.m. on Monday, 20 April

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We take this opportunity to thank the members of the school community for their support and goodwill during the term, and wish you a happy and safe Easter Vacation.

Ní neart go cur le chéile

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