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The Administration of Medicines

While the Board of Management has a duty to safeguard the health and safety of pupils when they are engaged in authorised school activities this does not imply a duty upon teachers nor ancillary staff to undertake personally the administration of medicines.

The Board of Management requests parents to ensure that teachers are made aware in writing of any medical condition suffered by any children in their class.

  • Non- prescriptive medicines will neither be stored nor administered to pupils in school.  Prescribed medicines will not be administered in school without the written consent of parents and the specific authorisation of the Board of Management.

  • The medicine should not be kept by the pupil but in a locked cupboard out of reach of pupils.   Certain medicines, such as inhalers used by asthmatic children, must be readily accessible at all times of the school day.

  • The medicine should be self-administered if possible, under the supervision of an authorised adult

  • A written  record of the date and time of administration must be kept.

  • School personnel should not administer medication without the specific  authorisation of the Board.

  • School personnel cannot be required to administer medicine or drugs to a pupil.

  • In an emergency situation, school personnel will do whatever is necessary with regard to the administration of medicine

  • In emergency situations, qualified medical assistance will be secured at the earliest opportunity

  • Parents of a pupil requiring regular  medication during school hours should write to the Board to authorise a member of staff to administer the medication in school. 

  • Written details are required from the parent/guardian to the Board of Management giving the name of the child, name and dose of medication; whether the child should be responsible for his/her own medication;  the circumstances in which medication is to be given  by the teacher and consent for it  to be given;   when the parent is to be notified and where s/he can be contacted. It is the parents’ responsibility  to check each morning  whether or not  the authorised teacher (or special needs assistant) is in school unless an alternative arrangement is made locally.

  • Where children  are suffering from life threatening conditions,  parents should  outline clearly in writing, what can and can’t be done in a particular  emergency situation, with particular reference to what may be a risk to the child.

  • Parents are further required to indemnify the Board of Management  and authorised members of staff in respect of  any liability that may arise regarding the  administration of prescribed medicines in school. The Board of Management will inform the school’s insurers accordingly.

  • Where possible the family doctor should arrange for the administration of  prescribed medicines outside of school hours.

  • Where permission has been given by the Board of Management for the administration of medicine the smallest possible dose should be brought to school, preferably by the parent, with clear written instructions for administration, giving the name of the pupil.

  • Changes in prescribed medication (or dosage) should be notified immediately to the school with clear written instructions of the procedure to be followed in storing and administering the new medication.

  • Consent form is appended to this policy document

Parents should ensure that these procedures are clearly understood before submitting any request to the Board of Management

This policy will be reviewed as and when necessary.

Sanctioned at Board of Management meeting on 15 November 2010.


Thomas Shields (Chairperson)

Administration of Medicines

Consent Form

Name of Child:                                    Class:                      

Parents’ Name:                                    Phone No.                




The medicine should be administered at:                      (time) by child himself   yes/no or by an adult in the school yes/no

I indemnify the Board of Management and authorised members of staff in respect of any liability that may arise regarding the administration of the prescribed medicines in the school.

The Board is obliged to inform its insurers of the above arrangement.


            (Parent/guardian)                  (Parent/guardian)


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