Substance Use

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Substance Use Policy


A policy on Substance Use was adopted by the BOM on 15 November 2004. This policy was reviewed in 2010. It was presented in draft form to a staff meeting on 21 October 2010 and to the BOM on 15 November 2010. 

Scope: This policy applies to students, teachers, parents, and users of the school building and is applicable during official school hours and to all school-related activities.

Relationship to School's Mission/Vision/Aims

St Colmcille's BNS is dedicated to the care of the whole school community. It provides a safe and secure environment for learning. On school premises, all dangerous substances are locked in a secure place. In order to ensure a safe and secure environment for all, alcohol, tobacco and illegal substances are prohibited. In addition, pupils are not allowed to use aerosols, liquid tippex and thinner.  Under legislation, the school cannot take responsibility for the administration of medicines.  However, if written permission is granted from the Board of Management, children’s medical needs will be facilitated. We seek to engage the partners in the education process and in the development of our drugs policy and in the attainment of our goals.


The National Drugs Strategy 'Building on Experience' is now Government policy and it requires schools to have a substance use policy in place.


The substance use policy of St Colmcille's BNS is intended to educate students about substance use and mis-use and provide for our students a safe environment in which to make informed choices about their lives both now and in the future. All partners in education will inform the drawing up of our policy and will abide by it when in the school or whilst on school related activities. The primary objective of the policy is to educate our students regarding the possible dangers of these substances and to provide a supportive environment for pupils and their families if such an incident occurs.

Policy Content

(A) Education concerning substance use

Education concerning substance use in St Colmcille's BNS will be provided within the broad context of SPHE through discrete lessons using the 'The Walk Tall' programme as a resource. Each teacher and class will do lessons in this area in a structured way for 6 weeks every second year (in accordance with the objectives laid down in the SPHE curriculum). Considerations, which inform the selection of content and methodologies, include the age and former experience of the students. The use of an outside visitor/speaker to enhance the work done in the class will be considered in the context of the full SPHE programme and will be undertaken in the presence of a teacher, for example, the Garda programme in 5th class. 

Definition of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug-Related Incidents

  • Use or suspected use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco on the school premises or during a school-related activity
  • Intoxication/unusual behaviour
  • Disclosure about use
  • Finding these substances and/or associated paraphernalia
  • Possession and/or supply on the school premises or during a school-related activity
  • The use of solvents such as aerosols and tippex during school or any school related activity
  • Mis-use of all medicines (prescription and non-prescription) without written permission from the Board of Management of the school.

Management of Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug-Related Incidents

Alcohol Related Incident Involving a Pupil

1.     The confidentiality of reportee will be protected.

2.    The Principal will be informed

3.    The Principal will inform parents

4.    The incident will be investigated

5.    The pupil may be suspended ( upon sanction from the Board of Management)

6.    If medical help is required, an ambulance will be called

7.    Recommendation will be made to allow pupil to attend school support person

8.    Repeated incidents of alcohol use will be reported to the Health Board

Staff Member/ Parent Involved in Alcohol-Related Incident

The safety of pupils is paramount at all times

1.     The Principal will talk to person involved

2.    The incident will be noted and principal may  inform the BOM

3.    The Board of Management will contact relevant authorities in the case of a serious incident or repeated incidents

Student Involved in Tobacco-Related Incidents

1.     The confidentiality of reportee will be protected.

2.    The Principal will be informed

3.    The Principal will inform parents

4.    The incident will be investigated

5.    The pupil may be suspended ( upon sanction from the Board of Management)

6.    Recommendation may be made to refer pupil to the school support person

Staff/Parent Involved in Tobacco Related Incident

Smoking is forbidden in the school buildings.

1. If an incident arises, the principal will talk with the person involved

2.    A report may be made to the local Environmental Officer

Student Involved in an Incident Relating to Illegal Substances

1.     The Principal will be informed

2.    The Principal will inform parents and Gardai

3.    The incident will be investigated in the presence of parent (and Garda, if necessary)

4.    The pupil may be suspended

5.    If medical help is required an ambulance will be called

6.    The pupil may be referred to the school support person

7.    Student may also be referred to the Junior Liaison Officer of the Gardai

8.    In the case of a serious incident, or repeated incidents, the Health Board will be informed.

Reported Incident Relating to Illegal Substances

1.     Confidentiality of reportee will be guaranteed

2.    Time, date and other details will be documented by the principal

3.    If the reportee is a pupil, their parents will be contacted immediately

4.    The child against whom the allegation is made, and his parents will be contacted immediately

5.    The incident will be investigated ( as steps 3-8 above)

Staff/Parent Involved in an Incident Related to Illegal Substances

The safety of children will be  paramount

1.     The incident will be reported to the principal and then to the Board of Management

2.    The Board of Management will contact the relevant authorities in the case of a serious incident or repeated incidents. 

 (C) Provision for training and staff development

There is general agreement that a whole school co-ordinated approach to the  SPHE programme and to teaching any drugs programme is vital. 

Staff members are aware of the contribution they can make to the prevention of substance misuse within their own class by developing a supportive class environment and fostering the self-esteem of each student. Staff members have been made sufficiently aware of and are sensitive to the signs and symptoms of substance misuse as a result of a talk from An Garda Siochana

Training can be accessed for teachers and the Board of Management from The Walk Tall  Committee. New staff, in particular, will be briefed on the substance use policy of the school through the school’s induction programme. 

Parental education on SPHE and issues relating to substance misuse will be promoted in the school community by providing a copy of the policy on our school web-site, by explaining the policy to parents during information meeting which will be held at the start of every school year. We will also disseminate information on this subject through our school newsletter which parents receive every term. We also hope to have a component on drugs education on any future parenting programme offered to parents.

Roles and Responsibilities

Parents, teachers, ancillary staff, pupils and the Board of Management share the responsibility for the successful implementation of this policy.

Implementation Date

This statement will apply from 22 November 2010

It will be reviewed in October 2012

Ratification and Communication

It was sanctioned by the BOM on 15 November 2010. The ratified statement will be uploaded to the website on 22 November 2010.

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