Tommy Byrne
Photographic Society

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April:    Launch Night
June:     Competition Winners - Glendalough & Nature Shots
             Poker Classic
July:      Competition Night (photos will be posted soon)
Royal Summer Ball (photos will be posted soon)
August: Graduation For the Basic Theory & Practical Aspects of Photography
             People's Photography in St. Stephen's Green
October: TBPS Tommy Byrne Landscape Competition
November: Official Web-site Launch

Official Web-site Launch: 23rd November 2005

Pat Nolan launches this website

Mayor Donal O'Sullivan

At the weblaunch

Pat Nolan launches the site.

Mayor Donal O'Sullivan.

A selection of guests at the launch.


Graduation Night Tutorial 1B - 8 February 2006

Back: John, Robert, Ines, Frank, Ozlem, Emma, Joanne, Front: Lorna & Fiona.  Congratulations!

John O'Hanlon, Robert King, Inez Kreuzberg, Frank McLoughlin, Ŏzlem Akkaya, Emma Hannigan, Johanna Cullen, Lorna Brady and Fiona Bracken.



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