The Interface

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Centronics PC parallel connector

Centronics - Parallel Interface
The Centronics Parallel interface has become accepted as the standard connector used between a PC and a Printer.The interface carries an 8 bit byte in parallel which is clocked in to the printer using the STROBE pulse signal supplied by the Computer (PC).
Pins 12,13,14,15,18 , 31,32,34,35 and 36 can be different from manufacturer to manufacturer but the following table should be a general idea of their use as well!
Signal Pin Number Return Pin Number Signal Name PC ------- Printer  Direction Description
1 19 STROBE Printer Input Pulse (negative going) enables reading of data from data lines
2 20 Data bit 1 Printer Input 1st to 8th bits of parallel data.

Each signal is HIGH for logical 1 and LOW for 0 .

3 21 Data bit 2 Printer Input
4 22 Data bit 3 Printer Input
5 23 Data bit 4 Printer Input
6 24 Data bit 5 Printer Input
7 25 Data bit 6 Printer Input
8 26 Data bit 7 Printer Input
9 27 Data bit 8 Printer Input
10 28 ACKNLG Printer Output LOW indicates that Data has been received and the printer is ready for more data.
11 29 BUSY Printer Output HIGH indicates that the printer cannot receive data.
16 Logic Ground Ground Ground for STROBE,ACKNLG and BUSY signals
17 Chassis  Ground Shield Cable Shield
Centronics - Parallel Interface
 Printer connector
  If you find this useful and have information to add email Martin Ryan. All contributions , queries and constructive criticisms are welcome.  
{short description of image} Updated by Martin Ryan - on 10/03/2002 00:16:15