Following the success and very positive feedback from the last two year's retreats,
internationally renouned teacher of Half Fasting, Chuya Hashimoto, from Japan,
invites you to his fourth retreat in Ireland again this year in Tipperary.
Chuya has studied Macrobiotics, Natural Farming, and Taoism for over 25 years;
he has his own health centre in Japan and he has lectured and travelled widely.
Assisting Chuya will be his wife, Chiaki Hashimoto and international wholefood
chef and teacher Charlotte Wirnsberger from Australia.
Some of the benifits of Half Fasting include . . .
Healing Specific Illnesses
Improved Sleep and Recovery from Fatigue
Pain Management
Greater Mental Clarity and Focus
Breaking Negative Habits and Mental Patterns
Increased Sense of Deep Peace
Better Digestive Ability
Improved Immune System Function
Greater Spiritual Awareness and Intuition
A Feeling of Oneness with Other People and Our Surroundings
Included in the retreat will be Yoga/Meridian Stretching, Massage, Guided
Relaxation, Meditation, Walking, Medicinal Cooking Demonstrations,
Neutritional Advice, Lectures and Group Discussions to help you gain understanding
and inspiration.
Have a good time while you get healthy.
Chuya gives a talk to visitors during the half-fast
Some Comments from previous Half-Fasting Retreats
‘This week has been a source of physical, emotional and spiritual renewal’.
‘The teachings were clear and simple. I felt nurtured, safe and trusting around these experiences’.
‘This week has strengthened my belief in, and commitment to, the healing properties of food’.
‘My meditation was the deepest I’ve ever had’.
‘I lost eight kilo’s of emotional baggage’.
‘I found Chuya to have great wisdom, understanding, compassion and humility. I felt his love radiating out to all of us’.
‘The retreat helped me to connect with nature and to feel its vibrations’.
‘A truly magical and inspirational week’
‘It was like a total holiday for mind, body & spirit’
‘My heart feels open and joyous – thank you.’
Enquiries & further information leaflet please call: Maggie Crosse 087 2869097.
Email: Maggie Crosse.
CLICK HERE FOR 2005 BOOKING DETAILS (word .doc document)

Maggie Cross talks to visitors
Visit to St. Berrihert's Kyle and Well

Half-fast evening ceili
Half-fast group at St. Berrihert's Kyle and Well