Enda Scahill
With His Clareen Elite Gold.
Wayne Lavery,
Armagh & Sean Monahan Offaly
With Their Clareen Elite Gold's.
Pat Kelleher, showing detail
on his Custom Clareen frailing/clawhammer banjo.
Some Happy Customers With
Their Banjos At the R.V.I.A,
in Alsace June 2003.
Some More
Satisfied Customers At A Banjo Workshop
In Tocane St. Apres
Nancy Blanton Of California
With Her Clareen
Oyster Banjo.
Alun Evans Tries Out
His New Clareen Oyster ClawHammer Banjo with Scollop and
Whyte Ladyie Tone Ring
Dec 20th '03
James Howley from Ardrahan,
Co. Galway recieving a presentation from Tom
Cussen on behalf of the Kilnadeema CCE
to celebrate his achievement at the All
Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, Clonmel '03
when he won the compedition for under 15 yr on
Tenor Banjo, Mandolin and
Tenor Guitar.
James Howley
Co. Galway.
All Ireland
Winner on Banjo under 15.
Martin plays
a Clareen Elite Gold.