E Mails

Setting up your e mail .......
account in Outlook Express

To send E mails
1. Open Outlook Express and click on New Mail
New Mail

2. Type the address of whom you want to send the e mail to.

3. Type a Subject.

4. Type the Message that you want to send.

5. Press Send.

Tip: Send the first few e mails to yourself, so that you know that they sent OK when you receive them back.

Sending pictures by e mail

. Sending a photo by e mail can be done in two ways. You can ether attach it as a file or insert it on the page with your message. If you attach it as a file you must make sure that the person you are sending it to has a program that will open it .Again this is another good reason for saving photos in JPEG (see Scanning) format as most people will have a photo package that will open this format. To insert a file just click on insert - picture. Then browse to where the picture is that you want to insert is You can then drag it to where ever you want in the page
When sending photos by e mail it is important to keep the file size down because it will take forever to send and for the other person to receive it. A good way to do this is to resize the photo in your photo package (see Digital Photo) and when you are saving it as JPEG format you will get an option to save at a lower quality. This will make it faster to send and receive.