PC Basic has been reviewed and chosen to bear the 2002-2003 Golden Web Award.


This site is here to help the first time PC users get to know the very basics of their new PC.
Based on windows 98/ME & XP.
If you get a bit more advanced check out my other PC Help sites. which also include Digital Photo & Backing up your data.

So if you are new to the Computer World and you read this a page at a time.You will be whizzing around your PC in no time. Note: Please allow time for some of the pages to open, as some contain large images.


Monitor Keyboard Mouse Printer Processor (the unit that houses the brains of the PC) Scanner

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Note: The Print
Version will take about 30seconds to open

PC Basic is a part of Greater Sites

There will be more tips added to
PC Basic in time>
Awards: Greater Sites has won Golden Web Awards, Plus two more sites PC Basic & Digital Photo which are a part of Greater Sites. Click here to View Certificate
(Any changes that you make to your PC is done at your own risk)